Title: Beat The Meat Prompt: Mythology Pairing(s): Kris / Suho Summary: Tao invites Yifan and Joonmyun for a very special dinner Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,358
ohmygod i don't know if i should be freaked out or laugh my ass off. YiFan is really hilarious here. If i was there I'd definitely scream my lungs out and hawl my ass out of that spooky mansion within a blink of an eye.
I know I shouldn't laugh, but it couldn't help and I laughed at Kris so hard. How can he be that dumb? LOL If I were him I would threw it all out to and empty my stomach and live as a vegetarian for the rest of my life. *scream internally*
Comments 2
If I were him I would threw it all out to and empty my stomach and live as a vegetarian for the rest of my life. *scream internally*
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