Mana Mana..... (do-do, do-do-do...)

Aug 06, 2008 12:52

Surprise! I'm a tad bored here at work. *Technically* I have a bit more paper work to do, but it's only 1:00 - I've got plenty of time.

Tonight is my last class at Tufts, and to be honest I'm a little sad. Yes, the class has been a little bit of a pain in the butt. And yes, it's kind of taken over a lot of my time the past few weeks. And yes, some of the reading for it could have been more interesting... but over all I really enjoyed it. I do honestly think I have never enjoyed a class more. This could be because I actually had time to put towards it and I wasn't stressing out about a million other things at once. And it could be because it is a class of only 8 people and we all took it voluntarily (and one could argue as a result we were more motivated), but really I think a lot of it had to do with the Professor. She's one of a kind, really. Smart, completely interested in what she is teaching, acessible, approachable, personable - just everything that makes a good teacher. When it comes to small seminar style classes the professor really needs to know how to start and keep a discussion going and I've definitely come across my share of professors who have no idea how to do that. There was never a moment through out the six weeks where there was that all to familiar question and anwser dialogue that goes something like this:
Prof: So what do we think _____ is trying to say here? What's the purpose of this passage?
Student: To point out _______ and ephasize _______?
Prof: Well, yes... but what else?

(I HATE that. If you want us to come to a conclusion about something either let us come to our own conclusions or TELL us what it is your looking for us to say. Don't asking leading questions and then ignore us when we don't give you the anwser you're looking for! Acknowledge what we have said if it's valid and do something with it!)

Prof. Taulsan just had a way of letting discussion flow and being genuinely interested in what we had to say about a topic. Maybe I've just been spending too much time with social science academics and need to hang out in the English department a bit more. In any event, I'm going to be sad to leave her class.

Let's see... In other news, I have 6 days left of work. Thurs and Friday of this week, then Tuesday through Friday of next week. Bring it on! Again, it's a bit weird and sad though. I've worked here three summers. I'm not particularly close with any of my co-workers but I still like a lot of them and really I probably won't ever see then again (well, there's a part of me that hopes I never see them again...I don't want to work here full time next year!!)

So, next weekend is my last week of work. Kath and I are gonna have a mini Office Marathon on Friday. Then I have a week of complete and absolute freedom. My parents are driving to Toronto for the week and my sister is going to Maine with her friends family. I've been enlisted to house sit and take care of the dog. Fine by me! I could definitely use some down time. Josh will probably come stay for a few days, I'll start packing for school (i've already moved some stuff to the apartment) and then when everyone returns Josh and I will be going to the Cape for a few days. There's a hostel in Eastham so we're gonna beach it up, I'm going to take him to the only Drive In Movie in MA, and show him around Chatham (hopefully).

Then it's back to Worcester for the year. I've got a packed schedule full of classes, two capstone projects, some UU-ness, and overall just trying to enjoy my senior year of college (*gulp*).
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