I feel like I've been a slacker on planning my sisters shower. So, right now I'm searching for places to have the shower although I have no clue where to look. I am the only maid person in her wedding and have no money. She made me a list of people to invite and there are about 60+ women that need to come. WTF, that's damn close to my entire
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To keep everyone entertained, you can play "bridal bingo" where the boards say items that she might receive as gifts, like pots and pans, silverware, lingerie, mixer, etc. Winners get a prize. You can make up a quiz about Amanda and her fiance. How long they've been together, middle names, how they met, how he proposed, etc. and have prizes for the winners or the people who came closest. Word scrambles... OH MY GOSH. This one's corny but fun. Toilet paper wedding dress game. Each table gets a few rolls of toilet paper. They pick one person to be the model and they dress her up in toilet paper to form a wedding gown. The bride to be lines up all the toilet paper brides and chooses the most unique or beautiful dress as the winner. You can do a prize for that too if you want. It's fun and everyone gets a good laugh out of it. My cousin had a game where YOU would interview Amanda's fiance... like what's your favorite movie, color, food, part of her body lol... stuff like that, and write his answers down. Ask her the questions at the shower, and for every one she gets right give her a Hershey's kiss and for every wrong one, take one away. If she has a certain number left by the end she'll have a happy lifelong marriage. Hope this helps!!
Haha, and I knew it was you.
I like the "Bridal Bingo" and interviewing John...I wonder how many kisses she will be holding at the end. How do you know all of this?!?! You are crazy smart with all of this!!
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