Mar 03, 2004 16:21
Today started out as a really good day. I woke up and got ready for school, then talked my mom and Christie into going to Starbucks with me. Haha well that wasn't such a good idea.. it took the stupid girl 20 minutes to fix my tall chocolate brownie frap and we were almost late for school. But hey I mean I got my caffeine and I was super hyper for the beginning of gym class until I lost all my energy going all out in badminton. (I can't spell it so figure it out for yourself what that says lol.) It was fun at lunch, Nikki drove us to get some chinese food. I normally don't really like it but hey at this place it tasted really good! But the fortune cookies were ewww. lol.. Why am I rambling on about nothing? Anyway, I got home from school today and I decided I wanted to lay out and try to get a tan since everyone here is so so much tanner than I am. So I got all ready and stuff and I went up to our balcony. Guess what. The stupid sun was facing the wrong direction. Ughhh it made me so mad! lol