Apr 09, 2005 08:08
1. I got a psuedo-promotion yesterday. a pat on the back, a bonus in my next paycheck, and more responsibility. But no change in title and no raise. Mom's response: Oh how nice! Dad's response: They need to pay you more. Gotta love parents.
2. Jeff and Kristof kindly came up to the city. We had a bottle of psuedo-champagne, a bottle of wine, too much dinner. Bets were placed on outcome of MJ trial. At stake are karaoke performances of MJ songs. Went back to the bar around the corner. Snagged seats next to drunk girls playing charades in the middle of the bar. Totally got sucked in. My charades chops are rusty - i think there needs to be a drunken charades night some time in the near to mid future.
3. Today = road trip to orchid grower down in Aromas.