May 11, 2004 23:11
one more paper to go and yet i still have zero motivation...i always need to feel the crunch for some reason...
For some strange reason i miss Americorps during season transitions. I think that its because we went to so many different places and each season can remind me of a different place. That and I really do miss Jamie a lot. We don't talk as much and its starting to get to me. I think its because she knows i don't approve of her living with shawn next semester, I just want her to stay focused on what i know is really important to her and not settle for life in SLC because thats never been what she wants. And I just miss her constant companionship because no one suits me better than she does we have the same percentages of political and stupid girlyness and evenmore so i think we aren't too cool to admit it. And i just miss the corps all together...
triple D trips- Dunken Donuts and Denny's
razorboarding down the long hall of DC village
hiding handles of bacardi in the ceiling tiles
team wrestlemania in danville
trips to thaiphoon
paul chien looks (especially the really ugly ones)
going to the pool in WV
drinking by the creek in WV
dance party
americrushes (eventhough jamie never approved of mine), especially the ones that would skateboard down the hall
hanging out at the porch
4th of july on top of the infirmary
paul billings
kat's problems with saliva
singing at work
DQ Jamie mode
chik pats
she-clan cabin love (even if everyone didn't love it)
crochet like it was going out of style
happy potty (known to all of you civilians as Harry Potter)
mark wandering the village halls
Joe McDaniel (hot!hot!hot!)
Paramount hotel
Team renditions of "tiny dancer" (i may just cry thinking about that...)
the feeling of the city
the feeling of the rural
the feeling of each new day making a new important memory
and just about everything else even the stuff that made me crazy......
and college is supposed to be the best time in my life....what an accomplishment that would be!