My evening in labor and delivery

Oct 12, 2005 16:10

I was scheduled to work from 9-5 yesterday and went in as usual. The entire time I was there, I was having what I felt to be contractions. I was getting between 4 and 8 an hour. It freaked me out, but I wanted to get a few things done before going to the hospital, just in case something happened and this was it. Got off work, went grocery shopping for an hour, took a shower, ate two hot pockets, then headed to the hospital. Thye sent me to L&D since I'm about 30 weeks and they were jam packed, so I got to wait in the lovely waiting room for AN HOUR HAVING CONTRACTIONS CLOSER AND CLOSER TOGETHER! I finally saw a nurse walked out and said, "Excuse me, I've been sitting here having contractions for an hour" and she immediately found someone to take me into the triage. Gave my pee, got buckled in to the contraction/heartbeat monitor thing and laid for a bit. Nurse discovered I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. She did an exam and I was already 1 cm dilated. Gave me medicine to stop the contractions, but they came back an hour and a half later. Decided to admit me and got me to a nice maternity suite and they fucked with me all through the night checking on things. Everything looked good this morning, so I'm now back home, no more contractions. Oh yeah, it was a bladder infection causing them, and they gave me medicine for that as well.
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