this world needs a big slap in the face...

Aug 17, 2004 21:42

wow..ill be the first one to admit it. i am a spoiled little bitch. i have so much going for me, and yet i still find the ignorance to pitch a hissy about chantel leaving my house early, or about me having to spend time with my 96 year old great grandmother who just lost her husband of 69 years...
a quote that chantels dad said fits this situation so perfectly..

Always look forward
Never look back and
Never regret --- Richard Nixon

just think how simple life could be if we all adapted this simple philosiphy.. life would just as we pray it would be. but no, we must be full of pride and chose to look at the bad, and wish for things we dont have adn cant have and regret what we didnt do, adn think about how it would have been if i would have done this or that. so what if he doesnt you or if she loves you too much, life isnt about this stupid high school reletionships. life is soo much more than right here right now. this is just where we get a few bumps and bruises. its like hell week that lasts 4 years before the biggest football season in history.. that lasts forever and called the real world. this is kindergarten where we learn how to deal with real issues. like the abc's of survival.. things change, and people change, and sometimes for the better adn sometimes for the worse, but life does go on. and it onyl makes you stronger to know you made it through okay...i may be babbling, but iono.. just i want to be able to say i lived a life wiht no regrets and a life i am proud ot say is mine. one that ppl wont look down on or say was wasted or abused or what not.

im just a little dazed and confused

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

"Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you got". - Garth Brooks

Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travelling.

" I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're going to be dealt next. I learn to take life as it comes at you. MAKE EACH DAY COUNT. "
~Leonardo Dicaprio as "Jack" in Titanic.

in the end.. i want to be able to say,
"For what it's worth, it was worth all the while."
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