Pony Shopping in Overdrive!!!

Nov 16, 2009 18:17

So, I just talked to someone to schedule another test ride... Counted up and realized this will give me 6 different horses ridden in a 7 day period!

Two Tennessee Walker mares to ride on Tuesday (trail ride at Silver Creek!), a Rocky Mtn Horse on Thurs, another Tenn Walker mare Friday at Willow Tree in a group session, a Missouri FoxTrotter (this one's not for sale, just a test ride to try out the foxtrot gait) on Saturday, plus the TWH I rode this past Saturday.

I hope that by Saturday, one of these works out to be the right one! I've been reading, searching, learning and spending all my waking hours on "for sale" sites for a while now and can't wait to get that part done so I can spend those hours with a horse instead of a computer!! :)

Rob will be glad when this is done and over... :P I think even with many hours spent at the barn, he'll still see me more than he has the past weeks while I've been seriously shopping! Lucky for me/him, I have 2.5 hours after I get out of work before he gets home. That will be my guaranteed barn time that won't cut into family time! :)
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