(no subject)

Oct 24, 2003 22:07

"You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape..."

love? the law? your friends, family pets, roommates ghosts memories reality (all of them) bills monetary dependence, stress....

I could go on. But I've almost succeeded, in escaping that is. I'm getting into a very good book. Books are about the only place I can get lost.

But before I exit this world completely I wanted to post about today. A day, which has left me drained.
Calss this morning, and then I heard Renquist speak. You know, the Chief Supreme Court Justice. The man who is to the judicial branch of government what the president is to the executive. Very cool...My friend Thomas Diasio came up from B'ham to see him too. Afterwards, I was looking to see who wanted to go to lunch, etc. Jansen (voss- went to BSC) came up and commented about the lecture (on Federalism and extra judiciary projects) that "I could have read what he had to say from a book." To which, my friend Jason promptly replied, "Shut up jansen; he's the chief justice."

OOhh, and the place was crawling with secret Servicew and Us Marshalls...not quite the presidents entourage (no snipers) but impressive). [Note - When Pres. Clinton spoke at BSC I got a tour of the SS vans and got to see the sniper guns - they had snipers on every building at all angles, though it was before the 'erection' of the belltower.]

So we went to lunch with some of my class mates. I learned later that the rumor mill is saying that Thomas is my new boyfriend, or something to that effect. Everyone has to know everyone's business, and if they don't they invent it. You know, that sort of thing.

Then to Civ Pro. I though I would get my paper back today, but no such luck. They were ready at 8 pm tonight but I had to come to B'ham so I won't see it til Sunday night.

So I cahnged and showered (well reverse the order) and went to the 'Ham. Liz was in town today and I got to hang out with her for an hour or so. Yeah! I miss our random, high-speed gabbing. I miss my confidant. Maybe my best a truest girlfriend.

Then to Highland coffee company to hear the death penalty debate, which Thomas' group, Speaker's Corner was hosting. A lawyer spoke against it, and some other guy for. I wish the pro-person had been equally matched intellectually and argumentatively, it would have been better. I responded a lot and asked a lot of questions. People wanted to talk to me afterward about what I said and ingeneral. It felt nice, but I got more riled up about it than I expected too...hence the total drain.

But I realize, I love law. I do. When I'm bogged down in details and black letter law on minute parts of it, or debating changes or proposed chnages to the FRCP or UCC, etc. I get bored and tired and anguished. But I am 100% absolutely commited to justice and equality even if it results in things I don't like.

My singel biggest arguement against the death penalty is not moral or emotional or political (though most of what I hear is). We prosecute people who commit crimes because we want to protect society and we belive if they do it once they will do it again. Add punishment to that to and the potential for reform. None of those things require the detah penalty. Life without paroll is just as good, plus you never are faced witht he possibility that an innocent person is killed. (btw, when the state puts someone to death, the court will never hear more evidence on the case. It's 'moot'. Even if you suddenly aquired all the evidence neede to prove innocence or install reasonable doubt, the court won;t do it). Even if you justify killing heinous criminals, if you kill one innocent person, you (the governement has committed murder. The government should be the last person/entity to perpurtrate a crime. Anyway...

I realized that that's what i believe. but the system is defunt and corrupt as well and that's what most people talk about.

Through politics you could change some of those things that don;t work, but I hate politics. And I'm afraid that I will be pushed into it, and if I don't the injustice of social policy and politics will kill me. I don;t want to lose my sanity over this.....

I'm not making sense.

I love you all. Be good.
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