Sep 07, 2005 20:08
So, I don't know what I did, but I clearly pissed off some one. I also really need to get this off my chest before I talk to certain people; or else, they may run away screaming.
So I had one of the worst night's sleep ever (I have to say, the bat episodes clearly top the list). I should have been exhausted last night. I got in bed around 10:30. I think I fell asleep around 3:30? Then I was up every hour, at least. It was so hot, at one point I woke up drenched in sweat. It wasn't like it was a nice deep sleep either. Every little noise woke me up in a panic (house hasn't been bat proofed yet). I managed to get to a nice sound sleep sometime around 7, I believe. Then my alarm kept on going off. I hit snooze, again and again and again…. At one point, I was debating whether I should even go to class. Let me just say, that while I'm sleeping, I need very little convincing. I can't remember what I decided. I think at one point I decided I was allowed to be a little late. The class meets once a week and I had homework to hand in, which would not be acceptable late. Then I had a dream that I had woken up and the time was 11:15. Of course then I shot out of bed; it was only 9:25. Unfortunately, class was going to start in 5 minutes. I decided I was allowed to take a shower, and got Grandma to give me a lift (to save more time). I ended up being half an hour late. The good news was that the teacher had been 20 minutes late, so they had only gotten through one slide. I guess there is a silver lining (Grammar check would prefer that I say "positive aspect").
The rest of the day was rather boring. I had run a few errands on campus and had lunch. My first class had gotten out 40 minutes early, so I had more than 2 and half-hours to kill before my next class. Unfortunately, I wasn't up to do much on campus, seeing as I was lugging around this enormous tome. Last week my linguistics professor assigned everyone a library book. This week he wanted all of us to bring them in so he could check to see if we got the right one. Bastard. All he did was pass around a list with our names on it and we had to fill in the language we selected and the author. Which was all in the hand out he gave us last week. Not happy I lugged around a book for nothing. Some people in the class weren't able to get their books out. It turns out that some genius in the class had checked out five books on the list "because I thought they were interesting". Gotta love the critical thinking some people do.
Speaking of critical thinking….
I'm driving down East West Highway, and the metro is across the street. This area is just thronging with pedestrians. The whole set up sucks. People want to get from the mall to the metro and vice versa. They ALL cross in the middle of the road. There is a pedestrian over pass, but no one uses it. The lights are few and far in-between, but they are there. So as I come down the road there are two people crossing it, illegally, and for some reason unknown to man and god, they stop to have a CONVERSATION in the middle of East West Highway. Therefore, I slow down, but I don't stop. Then as I draw closer they suddenly decided to finish crossing the street, practically right in front of me. And they shoot ME a scathing look.
So I go to Giant and get what I want and get in the "15 items or less" line. I swear to god, some people can not count. I was in line for about 15 minutes, and some part of my brain dimly registered that there was a "wet floor" cone at the end of the register. I've seen those things so much that I've come to ignore them. You see them so often, usually without any wet floor. Once and a while you might see one with a damp floor. I finished my transaction and I was looking in the bag trying to find the meat. Next thing I know I've slipped and fallen onto my left knee right in front of the store manager. Ha ha. I told him I was fine, that it really was my own stupidity. They were really lucky it was me that fell and not some elderly person or a pregnant woman. Still, you've got to admire the person who has the presence of mind to place a cone there, but NOT mop up the floor.
This rant has already become very long. I don't encourage anyone to read it. But I suppose if you've gotten this far, you have.