Sep 12, 2004 01:12
well guys, i know you have missed my updating but i have been extremely busy. lol. well i know in one of my previous entries i wrote about Tyler Baker leaving, well he came up for a visit and i saw him tonite. it made me happy but i was even happier to come home and get online and get an im from the wonderful schizoscribe (u are awesome) and we shall one day meet. well as a sit here in the early hours of the morning i think about alot of things and there are so many things i want and i want them now. i mean i am almost graduated from high school and i haven't had a serious relationship at all. is there something i am doing wrong? or am i just not a good person? i don't know what my deal is. i just want to have a relationship like lauren and rodney. they are so cute together and i don't know. i just want that..but i know or atleast i hope my time will come for that. who knows. my prince charming could be right under my nose...i don't know why im thinking about all of this but hmm..i am so happy that i have wonderful friends that love me so much and they make me a better person..on another and jimmy are engaged..kinda weird but good...i wonder what my brother and sisters will say..hmm..on another note..noelle quit her glad for her..also dashboard is in concert october 1st and i am so going. chris caraba baby yea! well i am slowly falling asleep and i dont know what else to write at this time but i send out all my love and sweet dreams XOXO