Aug 27, 2007 18:04
all i know is that this should be my last year here, or at CMU anyways, and thank god for that and never having to go to that wretched commuter lot again.
long story short, i waited for a spot for 15 minutes, when this dumb cunt sees a car leaving, and drives through and takes it. i was seriously condsidering driving down there and parking between her, and the girl who was leaving, but that would be unfair to the innocent person. instead, i waited more, got a spot, and wrote a note that consisted of, "I hope you enjoy the parking space that you so clearly stole from me. I was obviously somewhat nice by even letting you have it, but just so you know, shit like that doesn't fly in this parking lot. Next time I won't be so nice, and don't expect anyone else to be either. Have a great first day you stupid bitch!!" then i stuck it under the wiper of her windshield.
and that is that. and i feel better now. and everytime i sit here and think about her saying "oh, what is this on my car" and then opening it and reading, i get a huge smile on my face because i'm so fucking tired of retarded people stealing parking spaces and being ridiculous. i mean, we're all in this together i think. we're all getting screwed out of being to class when we want to be because Rao says we have enough parking. i say, lets stop stealing eachothers spaces and take turns using his. dumb cunt. i wish i could have slapped her.