Sep 27, 2004 17:00
Well i woke up late today... which was lame but school was fun like it usualy is . and i will never forget the saying " i like that" dont ask. well the day went like this math was boring the bio was alright i got light headed cuz we were playing with onions and i got a sticker!! its a cool sticker then spanish we had a sub and i think im in the wrong class cuz i kno all the shit were gonna do anyhoo gym was fun like it usualy is baby blue was kicking ass (thats me) i recovered an onsides kick and ran a touch down 100 yards!!then english was fun cuz theres a fun group of kids right there i mean me josh emily giggles and tom man its always a chuckler and studio art was retarded and then this lady comes to my house asking for eggs. I was like wtf so i politly said
"what the hell do u need eggs for"
i got this
"im a student ha,aslsdf cake for me"
"shure i got an egg i think"
i mean i kno how it is to want cake and have no eggs
anyways im out
~he shook my hand with his full of broken glass~