(no subject)

Aug 01, 2012 22:55

So today was some kind of Chick Fil A support day. Evidently Friday is a CFA boycott/kiss your same sex partner day.
You know what?
Screw you all. Every last one of you. I'm not going on EITHER day. Why? Because I just want a decent, reasonably priced meal. I eat at CFA because it's close, it's tasty, the prices are decent, and they have the only indoor playground for miles.
You know where I also eat? Starbucks. And they are well known for being gay friendly. So if I have a CFA lunch, then are my sins forgiven if I have a mocha frapp? Oh, I also like apple products. ANOTHER LGBTQ friendly company. So do I purchase a similar amount of music from itunes instead?
You are both wrong, you both suck.
I just want to eat, damn it.
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