(no subject)

Jan 07, 2012 23:25

Dear hairstylists,

When I say 1 inch, I mean 1 inch. I really don't care that you think more than that should go. I HATE short hair. CAPICHE? I have, for a long ass time, been trying to grow my hair long.
STOP CHOPPING MY HAIR!!!! (And learn anatomy, m'kay? "shoulder length" should not be UP TO THE NECK!)
I am FUCKING PISSED! It doesn't seem to matter if I pay $20 or $120. This whole pulling the hair up and around thing? Yeah, that results in layers. I have hair where WAY WAY WAY more than the requested 1 inch was cut. We're talking 6 or more here. And it really doesn't help that I'm currently attempting to grow my hair out from the last time someone decided they knew better and chopped my hair.
Next time? Yeah, next time I'm going in and laying down the law. ONE INCH. No pulling hair around, no pulling hair up. It must stay flat and down ONLY. That whole hair pulling up shit results in LAYERS. Which accentuate my wave and body. Which is NOT WHAT I LIKE!!!! Seriously, last time there was an obvious misunderstanding as to what constitutes the shoulder. Ok, still sucks, but I'll accept some of the responsibility for that for not requesting visual confirmation. But this time I was specific; 1 inch. Figured it couldn't get more specific than that, right? Obviously not. I really don't want to treat you guys like small children, but honestly? You leave me no choice.
You wonder why women are paranoid about getting their hair cut? THIS IS WHY!!!


A woman is is sick of getting ignored
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