Mar 17, 2009 13:44
We (mostly Tyll and the Boys - whew!) got all of the metal edging on the shields. I finished the straps for Vaklav's, and prepped the hose for the edge...ack. No parachute cord. And we completed Stephanos' so he used it on Sunday.
We will need to do one more shield soon - one that fits the Northshield Crown rules for Tyll; why would anyone set a shield size rule based on leg length? I use my shield to guard my torso, mostly; so I would think torso size would be more pertinent. Did the long-legs, short torso brigade make this s$%t up? sig
So today I went and bought 300 feet of black parachute cord. That ought to do it. I want to finish Vaklav's shield before I leave for the West on Thursday. He said he will fight on Sunday at end-of-month with the oval, but then he can do pickups with the heater if he wants to.
Yep - for the weekend, I will be in allergy hell; and there is a 40% chance of rain. Test for the new pavilion, I guess, but if I have to pack wet, yuck. And then there is the lovely wet-dog smell in my car for the drive home...rain rain, go away - or at least stop before dark on Saturday so things are mostly dry...
And I would not miss this trip to see my family in the West unless it was life or death.
So, see some of you on Friday!!