(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 15:46

So, I found out this weekend what pressure cookers can do! It's really quite sad, though because I know they are dangerous and under "pressure" and I have probably spewed boiling water from it before. Plus, Mako has reminded me time and again to turn the thing on low after it starts steaming before you open the lid. What did I do last night though???
I made this yummy soup with sauteed onions and garlic, fennel, and dill and then added garden tomatoes, and, finally, canned tomato soup and milk. I put the lid on the pressure cooker and set it to med-low to simmer and watched the Colts game/ made Turkey Cucumber bagel sammiches.
The pot had been going for a while, so I thought I'd check on it. I said to myself...ooooohhh no...it'll be fine, I'll just twist ever sooo slooowly. I mean it's only on med-low.... and then *KABLOOOOEEEYYYYY* It was like all the lovely tomato soup, tomato chunks from the garden, sauteed onion, etc. were flying into the air in slow motion as I yelled "FUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE" only it was the other word.

Then I said a few more expletives and stared in horror as my recently bleached WHITE countertop and stove and half the kitchen floor got covered in tomato guts.

Anyway, about 20 minutes, 20 paper towels, and a disassembled stovetop later it was HILARIOUS!

I think there must have been a misalignment in the planets or something, because Mako had been working on attaching the door frame (yes, it had never occurred to previous owners to attach the door frame) to the mudroom's cement floor and totally messed it up (I heard a few of his expletives, too).

Luckily the soup was really yummy. I think the fact that all the tomato chunks flew out (why the chunks and not the liquid is something for a physics flashback to explain) caused the remaining liquid to be concentrated and full of garlicky tomatoey goodness. Also, the Colts won, so that really made the night a good one.

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but this story was just too much, so I had to word-vomit it out. I started back to school this week after a very calm, relaxing (a little boring) Fall Break. I worry that I am behind and should have studied more, but am comforted by the fact that Moot Court will soon be history and two of my other classes will be over before finals week. I will only have three classes (two of which are open book/ open note) to really study for. I heard at orientation before I started law school that during the First Year they scare you to death, the Second Year they work you to death, and the Third Year they bore you to death. So far this is ringing true. Hopefully I can chug my way through the work, get past the boredom, and start making a salary doing something I enjoy!

In other news, I'm love this time of year. I'm looking outside and watching firey orange leaves fluttering against a slate gray sky! Makes me pine for upstate NY and Wineries! That said:
I have a pretty good idea of who reads this thing, so I have something to say to you: I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!! I need a rambunctious girls night out soon!!!!
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