Trying to get more books in before I have to take time off

Mar 21, 2008 22:04

44) On the Prowl
, Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Karen Chance, Sunny. If you like urban fantasy/paranormal romance... get this book of novellas. Okay, so I am not sold on Sunny's Mona Lisa series even after reading a couple of her novellas, but the other 3 tales... awesome! Big fan of Patricia Briggs' series and really like the byplay between Charles and Anna in Alpha and Omega.

45) Dead to Me
, Anton Strout. AWESOME! I loved this one! Simon is fascinating and so it the Department of Extraordinary Affairs. Set in New York, the twists and turns are fascinating. I love the idea of cultists setting up as a for-profit company. LOL. Very similar to an idea I had for a novel a while back... and no, not going to tell you just in case I finally get it written. All I am going to say is if you like urban fantasy, get this book!

46) Birthright
, Nora Roberts. Interesting premise; a child is kidnapped as a baby, never told she was adopted and suddenly stumbles on her birth family. Set this on top of the archeological find of the century. An enjoyable read, though I admit I picked this one up because of the whole archeological find aspect. And that wasn't really explored - a 'B' story than gets relegated to 'C' level.

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