Dec 09, 2004 14:55
Today wasn't the best of days, but then I think "Some people don't have any legs or are dying of AIDS" and I feel stupid for being upset about the small stuff. Shanley totally stole my idea in leadership. I was so excited to have finally done something worthwile in that class but NO. It really made me angry and I felt betrayed.
Have octet again tonight. We're planning on playing the hallways prior to break like the strings do only better! HAHAHA No I really love the strings but it's gonna rock playing on our own. Hope people enjoy hearing us and that we don't sound bad. :-/
Linds didn't get a call back. I don't understand it at all. Politics suck. She did a wonderful job at her audition and I hope she doesn't feel too rotten today. Why can't people achieve things they deserve?
Went to In and Out with Ash today...that was prolly the highlight of the day. I ate sooo freakin much. Way more than I usually do. lol The food is just so good there it's hard not to indulge. It's not like im gonna get fat or nothin. heehe I can't even picture myself fat cuz I've been slender my whole life. funny Anyways, it was really nice to catch up with Ashley...I really miss hanging out with her. We had some good laughs. We talked about our boyfriends from elementary school and how silly we were back then, even though we didn't know eachother.
Michele is moving in a couple months shich makes me sad since she's been really good for my oboe playing. She let me play her oboe which was about $2K more than mine...omg I want it so bad. My sound was much richer and fuller. She told me to ask Mom for one at graduation which would be a logical thing to ask for, but Mom has spent so much on other senior stuff already that I can't imagine asking for more. Maybe I can work and save and get scholorships?? i hope
Have quite a bit of hw needing to be done, but the most exciting thing in school right now is the Mock Trial that is about to begin in Government. I'm a Prosecuting Lawyer!! And I get to argue against Wes's side!! I can't wait. Adeau.