to celebrate having money, I went to Huddersfield on Saturday to see Paws and Junpei. in which I fell in love with Vista, Bioshock, and ate cookies. heard lots of innuendo. had lots of random, pseudo heart-to-hearts.
it's always kind of fun to look back on things with people. we've known each other for three years, which leads to a lot of 'if this had happened-' or 'maybe things would have been different if-', but laughing over it.
and emo porn. I kid you not. setting up Paw's pc, Scott made a folder called 'emo porn' just to show how the folder system worked, and then showed me a site with actual, honest to god, emo porn. rule 34.
fencing today was tiring, but I have a Dory to keep me company. also, everyone is really friendly.
[alas, the Chase-lookalike was not there.]
I was going to write this really prentiously emo and bitchy entry about disappointments and expectations, but now, I feel happy again.
I also met the mysterious fourth [fifth] flatmate - apparently the person in room 5 is actually a they and are a couple sharing, and it's their stuff in the lounge. she seems really nice and friendly, so we both had a '\o/ person who likes socialising!' moment. we'll see. we'll see.
according to, apparently last week, I really loved Jesse Lacey [singer of Brand New] - 141 plays, when usually my highest artist for a week is around 50? oops.
I really, really enjoyed it. really, really. the little spazzy decepticon? omg, want. the male lead was kind of cute and a dork, and the captain was oh so pretty. the signal analysts made me laugh. omg, robots.
in other words - me and Katie loved it. ;D
I think I enjoyed more having no real knowledge of Transformers. I mean, I must have watched some of the shows once, but I was never really into it. thus, i don't have the 'but, they did it wrong! humans!' that I know some people did. it was just a sufficiently geeky film.
also, a fantastic way to kill some time.