I'm having a bloo Christmas without yoo.

Dec 25, 2005 21:49

I'm at my holiday retreat in Berry Creek.
(My cousin's house.)

It's really freezing, but at least I can do some soul-searching while I'm here. (In between Carols.)

I also got a bunch of neat stuff.
A cake decorating set. (I can't fucking wait to use this thing. I've been wanting to decorate cakes professional-like since I was fucking BORN. I'm also a big showoff, so if I can decorate a cake, all of my neighbors will be SOOOOO jealous.)
And a funny lava lamp. (Now I can use all those psychodelic drugs I've been saving.)

And a whole bunch of other stuff like socks and bath salts.

There is one troublem, though. I'll probably not stop gaming to bake a cake for a SECOND.
Although Morrowind and Diablo II havn't been taking up AS MUCH of my life lately, you can still consider me to be EXTREMELY DEDICATED. And if I do stop gaming so much, it'll be to get crunk with my friends.

But I will try to bake some cakes in the near future.

My cousins seem to really like what we got for them. I totally forgot that I was even getting presents. (Do you guys ever do that?) My cousin Wyatt is obsessed with the Bionicle things we got him. He's got like 15,000 of them already, they're totally cool. He got the TOWER OF TOA from my cousin Theron. (Sweet!)

I've also been stuffing my face with completely vegan delights all weekend. (My cousin Desi is vegan and she KNOWS HOW TO COOK!) and I've stolen about 1,500 recipes from her so I can get cookin'.

My aunt uses this unanimally tested non-toxical dishoap and clothes detergent and all that stuff that I can use. It's called Seventh Generation and it's TOTALLY SWEET! I can't wait until I go to the laundry mat with this stuff (and a cake that I just baked and decorated) and I'm like, "You should really consider the impact of your decisions on the next seven generations. Don't you just love this cake I just baked?

But of couse, I can't buy this stuff until I have my own job and I'm moved out because my mom's like, "I LIKE TIDE!!!!!!!! I'M NOT BUYING THAT STUFF IT COST SO MUCH!" I can also subscribe to a newspaper so that I can READ IT IN THE MORNING WHILE I DRINK MY COFFEE WITH ALCOHOL IN IT!

I'm totally going to be the best grown up ever. I can't wait until college.

I'm already growing up hella. I've been holding babies. HOLDING BABIES. (Well, a baby.) I'VE NEVER HELD A BABY IN MY LIFE UNTIL SATURDAY. I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF BABIES. (Well, not anymore.)

I don't think that baby Natalie was too sweet on the idea of me holding her. But I did it anyway and I walked around holding her and people kept on handing her to me because THEY TRUST ME TO HOLD HER. I AM TRUSTED WITH A BABY. (I never thought it possible.)

Actually I was lying about her not being too sweet on the idea. SHE LOVES ME. A BABY LOVES ME.
And she's really cute. INCREDIBLY CUTE. Except she was very drooly. And when I tried to wipe her with a tissue SHE GRABBED THE TISSUE AND IT WAS SO CUTE!!!! (But of course, I took it away from her because it's a HAZARD. P.S. I CAN RECOGNIZE A HAZARD.)

P.S.- on the grownup thing:
Michelle, I still really want to do the Inn thing. I was in one of my psychotic moods when I posted that blog about thinking that my plan for the future was stupid. I still think that it pretty much rules , it's just when Amanda sprung that whole "I'M MOVING TO EUROPE!!!!" thing on me I was like, psh, there's really no point in persuing my dreams without my friends.

But as long as we're all in this, it's still on. We're still going to live together and and eat a whole bunch of health food but at the same time drink and smoke all day and go to anime conventions dressed like Sailor Moon characters because we're punk rock.

P.S.- again:
(I don't even care if there's drool.)

P.S. once more:
I'll be home on Monday night so someone give me a ring at around 8 and we can go to a show (and avoid old guys) or get crunk or something.
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