Sep 05, 2004 21:55
// NiGhTmArE - the other night
\\ dYeD yOur hAiR - highlights..?
// aTe At McDoNaLds - don't remember
\\ bRuShEd YoUr HaIr - like a half hour ago
dO yOu..
(( hAvE a DrEaM cOmInG bAc - yess
)) rEmEmBeR 1St CrUsH - yepp lol
(( sTiLL lOvE hIm - never did
)) rEaD tHe NeWsPaPeR - yepp
(( hAvE n.E sEcReTs - a few
)) hAvE n.E pEtS - a dog and two turtles
(( tAlK tO sTrAnGeRs - yepp
)) wEaR hAtS - hmm..on the rare occasion
(( hAvE pEiRcInGs - one in each ear
)) hAvE tAtOoS - no
(( hAtE yOuRsElF - sometimes
)) cOllEcT NeThInG - hmm..not really
(( HaVe BaD hAbItS - who doesn't?
)) cArE aBoUt LooKs - i care about mine and his a teensy bit
(( fRiEnDs LooKs - i don't pick my friends on their looks...
-× dReSs -'s cold
×- mOoD - tired and bored
-× mAkEuP - none
×- MuSiC - none
-× tAsTe - my saliva haha
×- hAiR - ponytail
-× aNnOyAnCe - being bored
×- sMeLL - fresh air
-× tHoUgHt - my head hurts a little
×- bOoK - the au pairs
-× fInGeRnAiL cOlOr - orangey pink with flowers
×- dRiNk - none
-× wOrRy - a few
×- fAv. CeLeBiRtY - wow..i have a lot. today it's lindsay lohan
lAsT PeRsOn..
.:* yOu ToUcHeD - umm my dad's arm
*:. yOu TaLkeD tO - my dad
.:* yOu HuGgEd - my dad
*:. yOu I/m'Ed - heather
.:* yOu YeLLeD aT - my dad
*:. BrOkE yOuR hEaRt - hrmm