Of Edits and Research

Jan 02, 2014 07:22

Originally published at K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or there.

My goals are pretty simple at first glance this month

1) Finish Edits on L - already started
2) Send L to agent - see 1
3) Continue research on D - see below
4) CP Stuff - always
5) Read a book - HAVE TO PICK ONE
6) Visit Blogs! - Awwwww yeah
7) Get started on writing process posts - I WILL DO THIS lol

D is a historical YA Horror
If I can pull it off - and in order to do it accurately, I have a hell of a lot of research I need to pile into it. This is a first for me. Sure, I write contemporary horror or science fiction with a creepy twist… and I set it in our current, very detailed, world. But researching the past and trying to get the buildings, the streets, the clothing, the etiquette and the speech right? That’s a challenge. So this month may look pretty tame for me - but this research is very important.

Anyhu - that’s pretty straight forward. My second pass edits on L are going well so far. I’m sort of excited and nervous about this book. Different category for me. First time, so we’ll see how it goes.

2014 feels all new and exciting. It’s invigorating to be kicking it off! How about everyone else? Is January off to a good start?

writing goals, revision and editing, blog, writemotivation, inspiration, writing process, motivation

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