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K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or
It’s the end of December, and we all know what that means. I hope you had a Merry Christmas or at least just some good quality time with people you love
Not only have we had a hell of a busy month, but it’s time to look back at the year and see what we accomplished.
Here goes:
Writing Goals (order subject to change due to PlotBunny Migration (PBM))
- Finish drafting AI 3 (20-25k) Not done
- Edit AI 1 in full Done! But it sucked
- Send AI 1 to Agent of Awesome Didn’t realize it sucked until after I sent it
- Outline Fod
- Plot Fod
- Draft Fod People don’t understand how much I love this book
- Beta SW, PD, TH, BB and anything else my CPs have for me
- Finish GG Plot/Outline This is now known as L but was accomplished
- Draft GG
- Outline Ana - Nope because this idea is shelved in favour of far better ones
- Plot Ana
- Draft Ana (or another WIP depending on PBM) - only drafted 30k of an experiment
- Edit Fod in full (or another WIP depending on PBM)
- Send drafted WIP to Agent of Awesome Fod sent to my NEW agent of awesome
- Get my Personal Blog organized and relaunched techncially - but I still don’t like it
- Attend 2 Writing Conferences - only managed one and we won’t go there
Life Goals
- Work out a routine with Kami - yeah… kind of
- Work out a schedule for Kami, Work, Writing (yes, I work from home) - yeah not so much
- Keep up with my friends - I think so?
- Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle (food and exercise wise) - started out well, fell off the bandwagon, but am back
- Ready the House for Sale Sold in 4 days
- Move if the House Sells moved inside of a month
- Stick to our budget - yeah… roll on 2014
- Read more books - about how to get baby to sleep…
Internet Related Goals
- Launch the new and improved #Writemotivation initiative - actually doing this in 2014. Launched OWM
- Organize and maintain my Google Reader - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Be more consistent about following Blogs - yyeeeeaaaah I WILL master this
- Keep up with #Writemotivation - For the most part I think I did
- Keep up with my internet friends and Writer community - got mucb better in the latter part of the year
- Create my FB Author Page - no need yet
- Maintain a blog schedule - I sort of did? But will be more structured in 2014
So I think I actually did pretty well. Wanted to draft 3.5 books, managed 2.5 - about 170k new words. That’s not too horrible.
- Drafted 2.5 books
- Edited 3 books (about to finish the first pass draft of L)
- Launched OurWriteMind with Leigh and Becca
- Lost and Agent
- Found an Agent
- Had awesome plotbunnies emerge
- Met more fantastic people in the online writing community
- Still hate my blog design
Overall - I think 2013 was a success. Still having a bit of a messy time with the little, but it’ll even out soon enough.
Hope everyone else had a great 2013. What are your goals for 2014 - I know I’m thinking hard on mine. I’ll have a post up around the new year with my lofty goals once again!
Make sure to check out the new
WriteMotivation Site!!!