Originally published at
K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or
Yep, you read that right. I gave in and signed up for the A-Z challenge.
If you’ve not yet signed up, there’s still time. Go
here to check it out and do so. There are over 1300 entries to the challenge. Help the number climb!
The goal is, with the exception of the first Sunday in April (1st of April), to post a blog every single day throughout the month using the alphabet as a topic guide.
It helps if you have a theme.
My theme is going to be: Things that inspire me, influence me and enable me to write. Maybe sharing them with others will let some of my friends find inspiration where they haven’t before.
My one problem with the challenge is that I have no idea how you’re supposed to get around to everyone’s blogs and cheer them on. I don’t have the time to visit 100 blogs a day, but I’m definitely going to put in a stark effort to see everyone’s at least once! I think that’s a noble effort, yes?
In other writing news - I’m waiting in anticipation for an email on Friday. I think it’s an email, it might not be. Let’s just say my fingernails are not surviving as well as I’d hoped - but I anticipate the left hand coming out unscathed, while the right hand nails pretty much get demolished… lol
*hugs* to all of my #writemotivation people
I’ll be putting up the May round of Goal Check 2012 around the 15th of April. So look for it if you’d like to sign up again.
What about you? Are you taking part in the A-Z challenge? If so, what’s your theme? If not, why not?
Hope you don’t mind me spamming your feed for a month!