#Writemotivation March 2012 - Goal-Check Sign Up

Feb 15, 2012 12:20

Originally published at K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or there.

Hey there lovely people

Last month in this post I announced that due to popular motivational needs, we’d continue #writemotivation indefinitely and in off months make it a little more… enticing. We decided that #writemotivation wasn’t a one off thing but:
  • Writemotivation should be an all the time thing. You don’t just need it once or every now and again - a constant stream of it can help lift your head on a bad day, or remind you the next day that other people know how you feel and will cheer you on. We’ll continue the hashtag for anyone who likes that #writemotivation cheer anyway.
  • A Writemotivation Goal-Check month every other month might be a fantastic idea.

March is a Goal-Check month.

What is a Goal-Check month?

Apart from the general cheering we do on a daily basis, a Goal-Check Month is where you set goals for yourself and hold yourself accountable to them. You let us know what those goals are, and report during the month how you think you’re going with them. This helps hold yourself accountable.

The aim here isn’t to compete with each other - it’s to compete against ourselves (and that pesky inner-critic and procrastination demon that try to defeat us when we least want them to).

To that end, the Goal-Check months have rewards for personally succeeding.

In these months, there are rules. Don’t worry - they’re completely doable.

The Rules:
    1. Make a list of realistic goals for the month - and achieve them.
    2. Make a Blog Post every week (preferably Monday, but if you don’t post on Mondays just add it to the next day you would normally post
      ). This is to help us keep tabs on our own progress, and for others to cheer us on if it’s a difficult week. Please link to the post in the #writemotivation hashtag
    3. Visit your #writemotivation team mates blogs, and participate in the #writemotivation hashtag to cheer people on
    4. Please fill in the form here:

Once this done you’re ‘registered’

It’d be nice if we all subscribed to each other’s blogs, but I don’t want to make that a rule, just a courtesy.

But wait you say! You said rewards!

First. Back up. I did say rewards, but you need to remember that this isn’t about competition and first or second place, this is about competing entirely with yourself - and winning.

The Rewards

So far, this is what we have and I hope it gives a good example of what we’re thinking of.
  • K.T. Hanna - In depth crit of up to 10 pages (from anywhere in a novel/short story). In the month of April I will have time for around 4 of these.
  • Zeny Williams - 1 x Beta reading (specifically good at finding plot holes) - limit to be defined
  • Jacob Adams - 1 x Beta read (review) - limit to be defined
  • Alessandra Hinlo - 1 x  Beta read first 1-3 chapters.
  • Becca Weston - 1 x Beta chapter/s (anywhere in a book that the author feels help is needed) and/or Query crit help - limit to be defined
  • Jamie Dement (Lady Jai) - 1 x Beta first chapter

While I feel it doesn’t need to be said, I’ll put it out there just in case.
#writemotivation is a cheer squad. We want you to succeed in your goals. Thus, any critique or beta given, will also be aimed towards succeeding. They’ll be honest and see the good and the bad.

So far we have rewards for around nine people.

If anyone else would like to offer beta/crit or technical blog services - or some other reward you feel speaks directly to besting our damned writer’s ego - please feel free to let me know on the sign up form.

If I have listed what you’re offering incorrectly, please thwap me on twitter

Also - don’t forget today is the last day to sign up for Rach Write’s Platform Building Campaign. DO IT!

I promise to get around to my groups in the next few days. Some of them are so BIG this time!

I’m really looking forward to March
and cheering a heap of people on!

This is our icon. Please give credit for it:  Header image and thumbnail photograph by Hugh Lee and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Hover credit is fine.

Header image and thumbnail photograph by Hugh Lee and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sahlgoode/

Please link back to this post if you don’t mind. Signups will close on February 28th and I’ll post the list up on February 29th.

Are you looking forward to #writemotivation? Please let me know what you think!

betas, my fiction, writemotivation, critiquing, inspiration, motivation, writing goals, blog fests & campaigns, challenge yourself, writing process, platform building campaigner, my process

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