Originally published at
K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or
Well, here we are
I’m so excited to say there are 20 of us taking part in this inaugural round of #writemotivation
Let me know if there are any questions. [Edit] There are now 23 of us
Here are the guidelines:
1. Make a list of goals you feel are achievable in January - and achieve them (These are included in the roll call list)
2. By the end of the month a tentative list of 2012 goals you feel are achievable. (This is homework, of a sort)
3. Update your blog every Monday starting January 2nd 2012 with progress or tidbits that helped you stay motivated. It doesn’t have to be the sole reason for the post, just include it somewhere in there. (Mon 2, 9, 16, 23, 30).
4. Visit other #writemotivation blogs to cheer people on
5. Tune in to #writemotivation on Twitter and cheer your friends on. I’m generally around all day, but in the evening after six pm until midnight is prime time cheering time!
And Say hi to your fellow #WriteMotivation January 2012 participants. Don’t forget to pop over to their blogs and introduce yourself over the next few days.
1. Name:
Zeny Williams
Twitter: @JaggedWriter
January Goals:
1.) Finish First Draft Read-Thru
2.) Revise at least 10 Chapters
3.) Keep up with my blog/podcasts
2. Name:
Twitter: dossantos_cris
I have only ONE goal for January: finish the 1st draft of my WIP (my goal was to finish it by x-mas, yeah that’s not happening)
Ultimate goal for 2012 is to finish the novel completely! and start a new one. Not sure if I’ll query this one, it’s my first novel ever and I’m just too green.. unless I query just for the practice of it and get used to rejection, LOL
3. Name:
Quinton - Note: I am not a writer!
Goals for January 2012:
(i) Write 2 blog posts / month
(ii) Create a basic website/user login system in Ruby. (Told you I wasn’t a writer..!
(iii) …I don’t know yet.
(*) Make this site more awesomer. Yes, I’m making that a word.
4. Name:
Bonnie Rae
Goals for January 2012: Have the first book in my trilogy up and available for online purchase by early spring. Finish and edit the second book by fall and have it available by December for purchase. As well as blog at least 2-3 times a week.
5. Name:
Becca C.
Twitter: @callmebecks
1) Finish revision draft of WIP.
2) Email revision draft to beta readers.
3) Begin outline of next WIP.
4) Update blog once a week.
6. Name:
Michael Haynes
Twitter: @mohio73
January Goals:
1) Spend the first half of January analyzing my first draft from my NaNo project and time in the second half of January planning the second draft.
2) Write 25,000 words of new fiction.
3) Keep up with my blog and end January with at least one queued post for a day when I don’t have time to blog.
4) Keep my Seinfeld Chain (500+ words every day of fiction/blogging/critique) going.
7. Name:
Heather Jacobs
Twitter: @stateofego
Goals for January 2012
(1) Finish this dang novel (only about 10-15K words left!)
(2) Update my blog at least once a week.
(3) Begin revisions on said novel
8. Name:
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
Twitter: I_Am_LadyJai
Goals for January 2012:
1) By Jan, 20th I need to complete and submit the 713 Challenge entry @ KazkaPress
2) work a bit more on my novel. No particular goal really as I just need to write some more, and work out more of the plot. (How’s that for ambiguous?)
3) By the end of January I’d like to have completed the beta read for a certain someone.
4) complete the blog posts for this challenge.
9. Name:
Mark Koopmans
Twitter: @markjkoopmans
Goals for January 2012:
(write Chapters 10 & 11 (of 14) on the memoir I am co-writing.)
10. Name:
Jacob Adams
Twitter: @bendermender88
January 2012 Goals:
1. Complete second run through novel.
2. Finish at least one short story
3. Keep up with my weekly blog posts
11. Name:
Steve Weagraff
Twitter: @sweagraff
Goals for January
1) Have my new novel Night Glimmer live in the iBookstore and available in print form from Create Space. (it’s already live for the kindle and nook)
2) Finish Chapter 1 and 2 of the sequel.
12. Name:
Rance Denton
Twitter: @RanceDenton
Goals for January 2012:
1) Successfully start up the beta-read/critiquing group Katie and I have been hinting about!
2) DO SOME FUCKING READING. (I’m graduating from uni January 8th; I can’t tell you how much I miss doing reading for enjoyment.)
3) Jump back into planning out and outlining The Godkiller’s Eyes, my second Elias Faust novel.
4) Maybe even get a few more chapters on it written.
13. Name:
Rebekah Loper
Twitter: @RebekahLoper
Goals for January 2012:
1. Finish editing Weeping Willow short story for entry in a contest due Jan 31
2. Make sure entries for Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc. contests (at least 4 of them) are written and polished, due Feb 1.
3. Get first draft for Writers of the Future entry at least 50% complete.
4. Get a backlog of blog posts.
1-3 are mandatory for me
14. Name:
Elisabeth Hirsch
Pen name: EC Stilson
Twitter: ecwrites
Goal: To finish revising my YA Fantasy.
15. Name:
URL: katelineberger.com
Twitter: kllwrites
Goals for January 2012: Write a blog post - writing related or not - at least twice a week. Finish the short story I started as a break from my novel writing.
16. Name:
Twitter: alessahinlo
Goals for January 2012:
1. Write 500 words 5 days a week.
2. Post 3 times a week.
3. Comment on blogs more. My lurking tendencies will be overcome! LOL
17. Name:
Angela L Brown
Twitter: @Pearldragonfang
Goals for January 2012:
1: Complete first drafts of SEAMLESS and UNCOMMON
2: Post 3 blogs a week
3: Read 2 books
4: Comment to other blogs, at least 10 to 15 a week.
18. Name: Sonya Johns
Twitter: @SDJohns91
1.Update my blog at least 1x a week.(I’m horrible at it)
2.finish the 1st draft of the last 5 chapters of this book.
3.read thru and start revisions on the first few chapters
19. Name:
Ceridwen Taliesin
Twitter: @CeridwenT
Goals for January 2012:
1. finish plotting my 1st novel
2. complete basic research for 1st novel
20. Name:
K.T. Hanna
Twitter: @kthanna
1.Finish the paper edits of books 2 & 3.
2. Start 2nd pass of Book 1.
3.Keep up with my Google Reader
4. Make at least 2 blog posts per week
21. Name:
Twitter: @brennabraaten
Goals for January 2012:
1. Finish my 2011 NaNoWriMo
2. Finish the first three chapters of current WIP
3. Blog three times a week
4. Do one video
22. Name:
Jenn Johnson
Twitter: @ASingleBell
My resolutions are kind of weird, so I’ll make legit goals for January:
1. Write at least 250 words a day. (Classes are starting soon, so I’m aiming low!)
2. Blog at least once a week. (Kind of fell off the blogging wagon.)
3. Keep up with GoogleReader.
23. Name:
Jocelyn Rish
Twitter: @JocelynRish
1. Finally finish rewrite of my WIP for Amazon Breakthrough Novel competition (Jan. 23rd).
2. Write at least one blog post each week.
3. Write one tweet tale each day.
[EDIT] The list will close on Dec 31st 2011 at 11:59pm CST