May 24, 2005 23:14
SO GREAT!!! i loved it, i had so much fun.
dinner was okay, not the greatest cuz some people were complaining bout the choice of restaurant, hey they didnt like it they didnt have to come! whatever.
Limo was awesome, it was Hugh Hefner's old Limo! had playboy bunny on the glasses and everything!
After dinner we went to Prom. the first half pretty much consisted of seeing people and saying "HEY!!!" then dancing, then pictures, then more dancing, fun times.
After Prom we drove around a bit. then had some fun.
Hey i PASSED BOARDS!!!! woo!
so nerve-racking! but i made it through,
Worked lights for Band Concert. that was neato.
sENIOR sKIP dAY tomorrow, going for first, but nothin else!!! woo.