Dec 19, 2006 08:28
Alright... it's time to fess up.
Let me preface this with the statement that I am in no way a nerd or a religious extremist, but CTK is the Church I go to... Christ the King Catholic Church in Buckhead. It's a gorgeous Cathedral that reminds me of ones I saw in Europe. I've been a member of that church ever since I moved to Atlanta... I even went there when I was living North of Atlanta!
My 1st two years in Atlanta I felt really out of place because I didn't have any Catholic friends, which really bothered me because I grew up surrounded by Catholics: Catholic school through 12th grade, was involved with my college youth group, HECK! Living in Miami you're surrounded by Catholics and would be hard-pressed to find protestants!!!!... I missed that sense of unity and understanding that you get from a group of like-minded people. The social group was the perfect solution.
CTK Singles is basically made up of young professionals who aren't married, and we get together to do community service, sports, nature stuff, the occasional prayer group, and lots of Socials. We like to have fun :). And really, you'd never know that we were a Catholic group because we really don't talk about religion. Social activities are the backbone of the group and there are 600+ members. We're definitely not the Wednesday Night Drinking Club, but we have a group of great people from various backgrounds who all have the same religion- whether or not they go to Mass every Sunday.
So since I've joined them, I started the wine tasting group and the Dinner & Dancing nights where we hit up a cool restaurant then go dancing somewhere near by... I even began hosting cultural nights that include the ASO and other art-related events so that we can be a little more diversified than just having drinking socials. People think that the group is just a hook-up spot, but I'm trying to change that perception by inviting more and more couples. It isn't a singles scene, but it's called CTK Singles because the church also has a CTK Marrieds group... and married people (especially ones with kids) have completely different lives than singles so that's why we have the two distinguished.
CTK Singles is just another Atlanta group where you can come out and have fun. :)
And that's the story behind CTK Singles. :)