
Dec 10, 2007 11:42

So, I'm sitting alone in my English teacher's room, at lunch, waiting the 13 minutes until the bell will just ring and I can leave. I came in here to type an essay due 6th hour, but it turned out to only take about 5 minutes, so I've been here for a while. I could just go down to the cafeteria, but then I'll have to either

A) Sit with a group of people who are unfamiliar with my presence at their table, causing them to stare awkwardly out of the corner of their eyes at me. Or...

B) Sit by myself at the corner of one of the back tables and read, only to have those exact same people walk up to me and ask me why I'm sitting by myself reading.

I wouldn't have even stayed to type this stupid essay if there hadn't been a math team practice today, but when I went to the Trig room, there was a sign on the door that said "No math team today." I could have gone out and eaten a veggie burger with Alicia. I could have finally had that lunch with Stevo. But noooo. Teachahs have to lie to me.

I just finished reading this book called Middlesex about a hermaphrodite, and his family history of incest, poverty, and lesbianism. It was really good. I suggest it to all my fellow hermaphrodite enthusiasts. So last night I started A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, about a little girl in the 20s who likes to read, and plays with a boy who "plays funeral." What he does is, he puts a live caterpillar in a matchbox, buries it, gives it a little headstone, and pretends to cry and grieve. It's a funny book so far.

Okay, the bell will be ringing shortly, and I have to get out of Horn's room before he comes in and asks me what website I'm on, soooooo

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