(no subject)

Jul 29, 2007 22:32

woohoo summer!

so i was prompted to post because  i wanted to admit to someone that i was seriously tempted to buy OK magazine today just to read about the Brittany melt down.  which makes me feel guilty and trashy, thus the reason that i resisted.  however, if you bought it, let me read it.

i also was thining last week about how i should post to my journal since my 21st birthday is tuesday.  that's right, i am finally turning 21.  i can't really drink due to medication that i'm taking indefinitely, however, i will be buying/drinking some kind of alcoholic beverage on my birthday, because damnit, your 21st birthday only happens once.  end of story.

other news in the life of me:  on september 9th i'm going to run the chicago half marathon.  ya.  13.some-odd miles.  uh, i'm up to like 6.  i need to get my butt in gear and actually start training for this thing, it's like 6 weeks away, if that.  it's just really hard to find the time to run for  that long.  and you have to take into account stretching, cooling down, showering, and rescheduling eating so that you're not running on a stomach full of food.  it's a bit more work than i had anticipated, but i'm going to do it.

on the girl drama home front, gretchen did not react well when i told her that mike and i were dating.  long story short, she won't be living here in the fall.  she and i have not talked since july 19th or 20th (ish), and i don't forsee us ever conversing or being friendly again in the near future.  now, if she decides to seriously change things in her life and would like to apologize to me, i will be courteous and kind and listen, but i don't want to be her friend again.

aaaaand that leads me to mike, who i am still dating and it makes me really happy.  he was here this weekend and we basically were lame and did very little all weekend - mostly food, movies and (this makes me sheepish) guitar hero.  it was great.

next weekend i'm going home (and mike's coming to morton fri-sun) and going out to dinner with the fam friday night at old chiicago.  after dinner mike and i are going to hang out, hopefully some people will come and join us (come if you're in town)! and then we'll go to some bar downtown peoria until i wear out.  sunday i'll start limestone's band camp as pit tech for the 3rd year in a row.  woot for a $500 paycheck at the end of the week.  i'm kind of excited to work with the kids.  i feel like i've learned a lot more about teaching in the past year and i feel like i could be better at teaching them this year.

anyway.  that's life right now.  it'll be different in a week, month, etc.  i'll try and update more.  maybe.  we'll see.  maybe i'll even start back up on social commentary.
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