(no subject)

May 01, 2008 10:46

Every now and then, I'll walk out of a movie screening feel light on my feet, exhilirated and excited. It's only happened like twice this year, which might be why my job is less fun now than it was back in November. It takes a lot for a movie to lift me up, remind me why I got into this to begin with, make me excited to write about what I've just seen.

But when I do an interview, it happens every time. I turn off my recorder, get up and shake the interviewee's hand (or hang up the phone), and feel like doing a fist pump. Not because I've done such a great interview, or because I got such a scoop, but because it's just fun. Picking someone's brain about their movie, or whatever it is they're working on, getting to ask the questions you might just roll over and over in your head otherwise.

Yesterday I interviewed the director and the subjects of a movie called Surfwise, about a family of nine children who were all raised in this tiny camper and taught to be the best surfers in the country. The family itself is fascinating, and the documentary is really well made. But sitting down with the parents of the family, who I'd just seen in the film, and chatting with one of the children (they're all grown now) outside before the interview, was just thrilling. And it was all the more so because they were really passionate about the film. It's one thing to go to a junket and lob questions at Keira Knightley for 10 minutes, but to sit down with an unknown director who's genuinely thrilled that you like his movie-- it feels like you share something, like you know each other through some strange connection.

I probably should have realized this back when I was the only person at the Argus who actually enjoyed doing Wes Celeb interviews. But beyond writing about movies, I really enjoy talking about them, and interviewing in general.

So I think when I grow up I need to be Terry Gross, the NPR interviewer. She researches interesting people, talks to them, and puts the interview on the radio. I have no idea how to get this job, short of killing Terry Gross, but it really seems like the plan of action.

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