Jun 09, 2006 01:33
I suppose it's been awhile since I updated. Someone got sandburn while I was at the beach for a day with Michael. That was fun. I got a new job!! I'm going to be working for Dr. Missy Johnson as a vet tech!! Sooooo much better than Publix. I start Monday with her, and I'll only be working at Publix on Sunday's for a few hours for a little extra money. Brad went up to Virginia with Dad for 2 weeks and I missed him. But now they're both home and I'm happy. Tyler has been crazy, but eh, that's Tyler. They hired a bunch of crazy people of publix... Most of why I'm glad I'm leaving. Not that I won't miss some of my co-workers. OOOH I totally meant to tell an "english person" about the most annoying thing about the Publix cash registers. ....It's probably even weirder that I find this annoying BUT! It tells you to ask THE customer if THEY want cashback, then it says thank THE customer and invite HIM OR HER back. WTF???? How totally wrong is that.... errrr. Michael went back to school this week. I totally miss him, but I was sick for most of the week so it was good that he wasn't around. I miss Auburn especially my roommates and the privacy and the.... well everything. Except I'm glad that I have Maddie here. I've enjoyed having Bo at work. He and Darren are entertaining. I'll miss those guys.