Apr 21, 2006 03:02
I have so much crap to do now that it's nearing the end of the semester. I think that my grades are going to be decent this semester as opposed to bad in previous semesters. That might be good and I might be able to stay at Auburn. Hopefully I can learn some Microecon in the next couple of weeks. Speaking of doing stuff at the last minute, here I am desperately trying to finish my essay. I am stuck on my solution. There is tons of stuff on the problem, but not a lot of solution since it really wouldn't take much. poo, perhaps I can get another page and a half written in the next 6 hours or so. Perhaps I'll take a shower then I'll be more motivated to finish. Maybe it will get rid of my writer's block if I get rid of any dirt or something on me. Not that I'm filthy or anything. I just need a shower.... and i'm hoping that the cleansing will cleanse my mind as well.
Wish me luck in all the crap I have to do in the next couple of weeks!! :) And good luck to anyone else with tons of crap!