Oct 29, 2006 21:54
Not a whole heck of a lot is going on, but I figured I should update before people start combing ditches in search of my body, because, clearly, that could be the only explanation for such a blogging drought.
My weekends seem to have been overtaken by Mundane Things. I've gotten a lot of necessary albeit boring things done, but I still don't have quite the sense of accomplishment that I'd like. Maybe because one of my bigger goals for the weekend--Get Oil Changed--got the major runaround. My car has become something of a leper; no one will touch her. I went to Walmart and the mechanics told me the drain plug was stuck, or cross-threaded, or some other words that are meaningless to me. So I finish doing all my other errands for the day (one of which, getting my nails done for the wedding I'm in next weekend, is severely impeding my documenting here), and figure rather than going back to the place that screwed up the drain plug last time, I'll go to Jiffy Lube, the King of Oil Changes. Surely they could iron out the drain plug situation, whatever it may be.
So I go to church and head over to the nearest Jiffy Lube, which is of course not what can be exactly construed as near, and they tell me that they won't even LOOK at it, because of liability reasonsblahblahblather. Fine. The place that caused the problem in the first place is a couple miles away, I'll go there and make ask them nicely to fix it. Genius that I am, I didn't think about the fact that it was Sunday, which apparently is to mechanics what the Sabbath is to the Jews. Mreh. To be continued.
I did see The Prestige on Friday night, which was really very good. I think I need to see it again so I can catch more of the motifs and symbolism and all the things that English majors look for to analyze that make regular people hate them. But if nothing else, it has a brooding Christian Bale doing sleight of hand AND Hugh Jackman in top hats and cravats, and how can you not want to watch that for two hours?
This week is going to be busy. Monday is my brother's sweet 16, and I am so thankful he's not a girl, because that means this birthday consists of what most birthdays do: dinner, family, cake, and presents. Have you ever seen that Super-sweet 16 show on MTV? It makes my eyes bleed. I don't know people deal with 16 year olds like that. Anyway. Happy birthday to my baby brother!
Tuesday is Halloween, for which I have no plans but to dress up as a ballerina at work and trick or treat around the building. Okay, not the trick-or-treating part, but my coworkers and I did consider it. We threw it out because, really, it's much more work soliciting other small companies for candy when all we have to do is make sad puppy eyes at our boss and she'll go to Costco and buy approximately 8 pounds of truffles. It's a wonder we don't all weigh 500 pounds. But again with the digression. I'll probably stay home and hand out candy to the scanty amounts of trick-or-treaters we get and lament the fact that Gilmore Girls is only 5 weeks into the season and is already showing repeats.
Wednesday I have a repreive, then Thursday is a long, lonely drive to Santa Ana. By myself. With NO CD PLAYER. See, my dilemma is this: I COULD take my car--a 13 year old Ford Escort with dubious reliability in more-than-flat terrain--and try to cross the mountain ranges between here and Palm Desert with little to no air conditioning, BUT with a functioning CD player; OR, I can take my mom's 2003 CRV, with air-conditioning and considerably more get-up-and-go power, but no music, radio, nothing. The sounds of silence. I think I'm going to forego the luxury of a working CD player and take my mom's car. I'll just have to get along with my iPod in one ear and hope that no cops see me and feel like being mean.
But I'm looking forward to a long weekend and a break from work, although it won't exactly be restful. I'm going to spend Thursday driving to Santa Ana, hanging out with a friend from San Diego who I haven't seen since March (and who is awesomely driving up from SD for no other reason than to hang out with me), and crashing at my aunt and uncle's (Hi Dale!). Then I'll probably leave late Friday morning and get to Palm Desert in time to laze around a little and get ready for the rehearsal slash rehearsal dinner. I don't know any of the people involved in the wedding except for my old roommate Mel, her parents and sister, and her fiance Jeremiah, so I'm excited to meet new people and just have a fun weekend at a nice resort.
Saturday is the wedding, and I'm already dreading the heat--currently the forecast is a high of 86, which isn't TERRible, but is still past what I consider to be a comfortable temperature. I'm already planning on putting all of my hair up, because my gown weighs about 20 pounds and is made of layers and layers of material--I've already started sweating in the few minutes I've tried it on during normal temperatures. But it is a gorgeous dress. The sacrifices I make....
And then Sunday is another maddeningly long and quiet drive home. Pray for my sanity. Pictures to come! Eventually!