I need to quit.

Jul 08, 2004 16:57

Two things I swore I would significantly cut back on this summer- shopping and eating crap. I just can't stop. Early in the summer when i was doing really well with the food, I was spending money all over the place and shopping like there was no tomorrow. (and working/living at gap with an employee discount doesn't exactly help matters much). Now that I have solemnly sworn that the month of july is going to be strictly shopping-free, I am eating like a cow. It takes enough willpower to walk out of the store every day without a couple "little" purchases, but to come home and have to say no to the pasta and ice cream too?? That's just ridiculous. I mean, you wouldn't ask an alcoholic chain smoker to give up alcohol and cigarrettes at the same time, right? They would go insane. It's only been a week, and I spend half my time thinking about all the new stuff that just came into the store. In my head I'm constantly picturing the different outfits I could make with just those few "essential" things, and not to mention all the money I would be saving with my discount... But I'm not buying more clothes that I really just don't need. So far I think gap has probably made more money from me than I have from them. In an attempt to deter myself from making impulsive purchases I have removed my discount card from my wallet and am hiding my gapcard too. I already have a list of things I want to buy August 1st and just hope by then I wont want it anymore. It's going to be a long month... I'm going to go through a lot of ice cream. :-/
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