4. Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman
manwhoreforhire bought me this book as a Valentine's day present and then promptly gave it to me the same evening he bought it. I might have to go looking for more short story anthologies since I really love reading them.
It's hard to explain. Instead of slogging through a book, including remembering where you've left off and other important parts, short stories are immediate gratification. I can read a short story during my lunch break instead of just a few pages in a longer story. During longer reading times, each story provides a break for you to absorb the story, talk about it with whoever is near you, and wander around the house doing the intermittant chores (laundry changeovers, unloading the dishwasher).
I have loved (loved!!) both Gaiman anthologies and Clarke's Ladies of Grace Adieu. In the past, I read lots of anthologies centered around a subject (i.e dragons, fairies) with different authors contributing. I am less enthused with those because the stories have varying qualities. I'm going to keep my eye out for more anthologies with my book gift cards.
Right now, I am going to try Batman: No Man's Land which my manager lent me and I should return before I leave. I have also picked up the first Cold Fire Trilogy book, and
manwhoreforhire just finished The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which a certain friend on my friends-list wrote as my item to charade one time.
4 / 50 books. 8% done!