well, not much to update on - starting to pack a little and running some errands - the kitties REALLY like my suitcases. last night they took turns playing in/on/around them - the fact that I already have stuff in them doesn't seem to faze the kitcats at all :P
i've spent a lot of time doing dishes and laundering stuff - today i decided to start practicing yoga again since i got a book and all :) it was really nice
i got my very first tarot deck :) i suprised myself and ended up with one i wasn't planning on - partly because it was less costly than the other ones i was really attracted to - i think it's very pretty though :) and the first reading went well (it was on guardian_dragon). i'm still looking for an appropriated box, but for now the cards are staying in the box that came with them
http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/revelations/ the counselor i was supposed to do my stress management stuff with tomorrow cancelled so i'm wondering when we'll have a chance to do it (i'm reasonably certain she works all next week) *sigh*
i've been looking at graduate programs, and i'm leaning very heavily towards trying to become an ND (Doctor of Naturopathy) - Bastyr University in Washington (state) has a really excellent program but it's quite pricey, it IS a private school after all - i'll have to cross that bridge when i get to it though
i think i'm going to go snuggle a kitty :)