6 month quiet spell.

Feb 28, 2014 19:10

I'm shhhh.... Quiet this year. Or for the last 6 months anyways.

Lets see. An update.
  1. I have health issues they thought was asthma. Turns out it's not. We're in testing to find out what it is. Might be my heart.
  2. I was living on the coast for a bit. A tiny tiny bit.
  3. Didn't go to Europe this winter. Possibly am going in September.
  4. Have gotten involved in almost every non profit out there. Mostly just advertising but other organizational jobs as well.
  5. I have a house! 400$ a month for a two bedroom place. It's about as nice as you would think. Still kind of awesome though.
  6. Am applying for a spot in the community gardens. Why we don't have a system like British Allotments is beyond me.
  7. I start work at the greenhouse in T minus 10 days! Happy happy days!
And here, have a picture.

When I was at the hospital the other day, they gave me a  "Christmas Themed" hospital gown.
When did snowflakes start signifying Christmas?

life, me

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