(I think the Mennonites may be stealth teaching Christianity during play-date Thursdays. :)
Jesus Loves Me is Blond One's new favourite song. Which is GREAT! Cause it used to be Little Bunny Foo Foo. Of which I am getting rather sick of.
Don't judge me. When you can sing it 30,000,000,000 times a day and not hate it, call me up and share the secret!
And in case you haven't ever heard of the hell that is Little Bunny Foo Foo. Here's a l
Oh and a bit of a warning...
This journal is going to be a really random cause I have all sorts to say and not much of a plan on how to say it.
I baked some of my Mum's famous Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins.
Proof. V
They lasted about an hour. Little boy actually liked something I baked! *Joy*
On my little holiday home I got my hair cut.
When properly tamed it looks quite nice. (Just ignore the bags and massive nose. Kay?)
When I wash it and let it hang loose whilst chasing small children around in a wind storm it looks quite different.
I'm like a giant neon orange dandelion. SEXY!!!
Whilst on Holiday I remembered how hillbilly my family is. It's easy to forget. Then, Bam!
You come home and your cousins are getting married.
You gotta love 4/5 year olds. And yeah. I spent most of my hoilday hanging with my older cousins and dressing their kids up. I'm on Holiday! Let's marry your kids!!!
BC has mountains and therefore also has waterfalls. This resulted in the van being pulled over and little sister #3 and I running across a highway just to get a closeup.
This shot was taken using my favourite technique. Prop it on a rock and run out of the shot/away from the timer.
Gives it a certain arty look Y\Y?
I went to the library in Dawson Creek today. It was grand. I got three books. Three books about knitting!
Help! I have an addiction!
And speaking of knitting. I entered some into the local fair. Lets see how I do eh? Considering it's way out in the middle of nowhere I expect there shall be loads of amazing little old grannies that have MAD SKILZ and are entered into the same categories I am. :)
Anyways. I'm going to sign off and head to bed. Tomorrow is a fantastically long day. The farms up here are starting to ramp up for harvest! Fun fun.
I promise to update more. Laziness is no excuse! (Unless it's the kind of laziness that has you sitting on the couch all day. Then it's okay, cause damn would that lead to boring updates. 10:45 ate a chip. 10:52 changed the channel....)