Aug 28, 2005 12:34
10 ways you know youre a 4th session mohawk rider (stolen from Hannah and Jenn)
1) Kerri had at least one emotional breakdown a day and you still love her
2) Jenn and Reggie were put in charge of your riding group at least twice
3) You know how to play Extreme Red Rover
4) "Miss" K threatened to put you on Striker or Leroy if you didn't do her bidding.
5) Massage lines are a must at Horse Talk
6) You had to help "Miss" Dana pull Lena Fightmaster off Kelley repeatedly
7) You know how to spell Rageeternally
8) You ran drunkenly around "Miss" Michelle for all the staff singing the pirate song on pirate day
9) You had small animals for a good majority of the session
10) You witnessed Jenn emergency dismount 4 times off Rocky Road in one day and 6 times during the session
...part II coming sooon...