20 Questions...

Apr 28, 2005 23:43

There's an ongoing battle. Between right and wrong. Good and evil. A million other things. The problem is that no one can be sure who's on what side.

Why is one person right for doing one thing, but another is wrong for doing the same thing?
Why is everyone convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong?
Is it possible to really know who is right?
Why can't some people create their own opinions, instead of following the herd?
Why is it that we think everyone is on our side, so we must all be right?
Why do we believe that they're really on our side?
Why do we believe that those who side with us make up "everyone" and the rest don't matter?
How do you know when someone is being real...ever?
Can you ever really know?
Can you ever be sure that the person you hate really deserves it?
Why do we think we know what the other person is thinking better than they do?
Can you ever be sure that what you are doing is right?
Who decides what is right?
Do you?
Do I?
Why is it so hard for people to understand that "jokes" are not always funny?
Why can't people apologize when they know they're wrong?
If you're hurting someone, can it ever be right?
How do you know when you win?
Does anyone ever really win?

Are there anymore?
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