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May 18, 2007 15:48

In continuing on with the positive thinking days….

I’m really proud of myself and what I’ve accomplished in just the last 3 weeks in terms of my dieting. The scale says I’ve lost 8 pounds, but I know when I look in the mirror that my body fat has dramatically decreased. And it’s been difficult, but I’ve more a less been sticking to my diet, give or take about a 100 calories a day. Not only that, but in the past two weeks, there’s only been one day I didn’t work out in some way. Tonight will be day number 2.

And why aren’t I working out? Cause we’re going to go see Shrek 3 with the boys! And to help with my dieting, I ate a nice healthy but large late lunch… and will be eating some low fat jerky to keep my hunger down at the theatre. I plan to be cheating, but I’ve got a plan to not gorge myself and kill everything I’ve done!

Then… it’s off to Walmart in search of exercise equipment to use on my trip next week. A week and a half is a rather long term to get off the exercising train. So, I’m planning on looking for some resistance bands and a jump rope to use.

I’m super excited about next week. I can’t wait to see my friends in Pennsylvania… and New York… and even go on the training I’m there to do for work!

Oh come ooooooooooooooon 4:30! I can’t wait to get this weekend started! ;)

dieting, travel

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