Travel Schedule

Aug 25, 2006 23:50

I'm wiggin. A lot.

Tomorrow - Around 1pm, a limo (yes - limo!!) will pick me up and send me to the airport... then I will go through all sorts of security to board a plane, fall asleep, and wake up in Amsterdam on Sunday morning.

Then we'll be taking a taxi to the hotel and getting a day to switch time zones.

Monday - training begins! But I just have to sit there and watch.

Tueday - I train people (scary thought, eh?) Then leave straight from the office for a plane to London... go straight to the hotel. Roomservice?

Wednesday - Sit and watch others train again.

Thursday - more me training!! Maybe spend Thursday evening in the city?

Friday - back home to Philly....

..... just to go to work as soon as I am able to get returns done.

And I have so much preparing to do for this trip. Gotta pack. Gotta get all my files in order. Gotta go through my presentation a million times. Then you add onto it all the security issues - and worrying about what I can and can't pack where.... Mondo frusterating.

And I've realized, I haven't spoken to my family more than a total of 20 minutes in the last two weeks. It's the suck.

However - I did mention to my uber boss that we should hire someone.... and soon.

travel, work

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