Happy Birthday To Me

May 23, 2005 23:05

Well my 4 day birthday celebration went on with out too much drama.

I still think some people are funking retarded.

But I still had a rockin good time.

Let's start with wednesday.

My family took me out to eat.

The end.

Thursday, after being called into work and saying no I went to the mall with Nikki and Lisa to find somethin sexay to wear to Canada.

For 4 1/2 hours.

We had Olga's.

We found nothing.

Nikki found something.

We found nothing.

We saw Natalie and Stephanie.

I talked to Natalie and her mom for as much time as it took for Nikki and Lisa to buy earrings, look in Abercrombie, and browse thru BeBe.

I missed Natalie.

I went home and watched the season finale of America's Next Top Model because I'm a nerd.

The end.


My actual day of birth.

My brother failed to note that it was my birthday.


My mom took me out to lunch.


I went back to the mall to return a jacket and a purse that I had bought out of impulse.

I still didn't find anything to wear for Canada.

I went into work for a few hours.

Left at 6.

Went tanning.

Went out to eat with Lisa, Nikki, and Drew.


Saw Adam on purpose.

I missed his tan hotness.

Stopped for gas on the way home and I chatted with some DHS juniors on getting drunk, and my birthday.

I got the hottest card imaginable from Nikki.

Lisa doesn't believe in cards.

Everyone came back to my house for cake.


Drew got me a ticket to Dane cook!!!


I'm sorry I ruined your card trick, drew.

It's not my fault I took it out of the envelope upside down.

We sat around and sent Drew off to Georgia.

Soon after everyone left.

I was forced to return a DVD to the movie store because I forgot too.

On the way an old man stared at me at a red light while I was dancin to Gwen Stefani.

I smiled and waved cheesily.

They stopped staring.

The end.


The big day.

I went and opened the restaurant.

A bird flew in mid day and circled the dining room.

Scared the bejesus outta me.

It didn't leave until 5 o'clock.

After work I went to the mall again.

I found something.

Actually Michaelangelo found me something.


Went home and got ready.

The limo came, and everyone (Curtis, Jen, Brad, Tom, and Vito) got to my house succesfully.

They sat around and mingled with my parents while I picked up the girls.

We then took pictures outside of the limo like it was prom.

But it really wasn't prom.

The ride there was fun, we searched through my CDs for NERD and waved to traffic.

*Skip to entering the country*


Hot damn.

Wasn't too busy when we got there but it progressed.

Nikki and Lisa bought me my first drink.

Sex on the beach.

A mini pitcher full of alcohol goodness.

Jen bought me a shot of hulk.

Vito got me a shot of SoCo.

Then some shots of red headed sluts.

And another shot of hulk.

I was pretty tipsy by then.

So basically I sat around for about 45 mins to try to sober up a bit.

I threw up instead.

I felt MUCH better then.

Then we went to O.

Danced a little.

Danced in a sex-ay dancing contest.

A girl on crutches got the pity win.

I ran into James.

He bought me a beer.

I danced with him for a while.

Then he and his friends took us to Rush.

Well he took me to rush and everyone else stayed outside.

Vito got jealous.

Then we went home.

We had lively conversation.

Vito and Tom bought me roses.


All in all I had a fabulous birthday.

Much better than last year.

I still think people are stupid.

Thanks to everyone who came, I had a spectacular time.

I can't wait to go back to canada.

Or maybe just pontiac.

I don't care.

Yesterday after work I went with Nikki and Amanda to see 'Crash'.


That was a good movie.

People in the audience were stupid.

I slept all day today.

Well not all day, that'd be like being in a coma.

Dane cook is in like 127 days.


I'm only guessing.

It's funking freezing.

Sunday's gonna rock.

Take a chance you stupid hoe.

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