Nov 15, 2005 21:19
Whooo, so thanks for coming over katie, it cheered me up! yea, had some good times :p went to aaroniges last night and chilled with some people there. its awesome hanging out w/people again..well starting too. yeaaaaa and matt time of course :) working at cora's is pretty damn sweet too. made 80 bucks this past weekend. maybe a bit more. i'm stokkkkkkkked. marks in school arent so hot -well not for me anyway. goddddddddddd. but enough. i'm tired of school - school can go burn. burn bitch burrrrrrrn. i'm lovin how there isn't any capitals, proper sentences, and tons of extra letters added in in this. its bombbb. just like that! bam! wam! thank you ma'am! drop it down.....i just want to see you touch the hands are really dry *moisturizes* tomorrow is yearbook's bbq - everyone go! cuz i have to wear that t-shirt! haha...jkjk. so i might run for grade 12 rep next year...think i should? i might... :) i'm out though!!!! p'aaace. a-town style. bam.
xo - <3for you.