This is my first mobile post on here... Im catching up with the cool kids.
My laptop is dead which is bad news because my photos are not backed up. Steve and aspen have impertigo - steve is really poorly with it, aspen's fine but contagious.
Steve has pissed me off by moaning at me in the middle of the night for not taking his poorlyness seriously, even rhough i was tellin him to go to the doctrs a week ago qhich he ignored - if he'd listened he would have been better by now. Instead i've had to do evwrything all week - work, having aspen, cooking and cleaning and painting our bedroom! Grrrr
Anyway, tomorrow new carpeta arrive for pur bedroom and thru room which is exciting. So ready for that carpet. And ill be turning into the clean nazis!
Aspen's great - loving nursery. Walking on her own. Right now she loves gping for walks and collecting leaves etc, eating grapes(she leads me to the fruit bowl all day long) and playing in thegardwn witb a football
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