Apr 26, 2006 18:32
So yeah it's been a few weeks. We still don't have internet at the apartment, so I got a library card to use theirs. It's a lot more conveneint and less of a headache than going to my parents' house. TOo bad I only have a 90 minute allotment. Suppose I shouldn't need all of it.
So, wedding plans... we've got the church booked for April 14th next year. I've got my BM's, Frank has A GM, trying to figure out who the other two are going to be. We're keeping a really small guest list, mostly just family. We looked at a reception hall last night, Burgundy Basin Inn. We're actually both impressed by it! That's the first thing we've easily agreed on yet, scary enough, except the church. We have another appointment tomorrow with Hospitality HOuse, and a third on Friday with Green Lantern Inn. My parents had theirs there, so it'd be fun if we had ours there too. I get to go next Saturday to look at and try on some dresses, and I can't wait! I'll post some pictures when I get them. I think we're going on a cruise for our honeymoon, but I don't know for sure yet.
Other things. I've decided that as soon as a position for a Payroll Specialist comes up at work I'm all over it. I'm so bored with the Handbook department, I want to use my brain! I paid a lot of money for that degree. I wish like crazy I could find a meteorology job, and it's not for a lack of trying. Everything I apply to though gives me the same response: thank you for your resume, but we're looking for someone with experience. How am I going to get it if nobody is willing to give it? It's all good, I'm goign to go back to school after the wedding for Accounting. I love numbers and number crunching almost as much as I love chasing storms so it should be a good fit for me. Payroll is an entry level job, but at least there's a lot of math involved, a lot more people interaction, and it actually is related to where I want to go with the company. So it's a start. I just wonder every day, what's it like to look forward to going to work? I wish I knew.
Well somehow I'm almost out of time. And the guy who sat down at the computer across from me smells really bad of cigarettes, which is bothering my lungs really fast. That said I'm going to go make some dinner.