[Jin's birthday one-shot] Lost and Found

Jul 04, 2009 09:43

Lost and Found

Author : Aira

Fandom : KAT-TUN, NEWS

Pairing : AKame, PiKame [one-sided], RyoTego, TegoJin, RyoJin

Genre : angst..?Fluff..wee

Rating : PG-13 to be safe

Summary : 2 orphans, same status, same destiny. Love sparkles inside their young hearts. But fate just like to meddle with people's life.. What happened 12 years later? Do they meet.. or not?

A.N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINJIN!! IM SUPPOSED TO POST THIS YESTER RIGHT AT 12 AM BUT MY IDIOTIC BROTHER JUST WOULDNT LEAVE ME AND MY PRIVACY ALONE! So, wee.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIN and not forgetting, MASSU! LOVE YOU BOTH!! ERR.. this is Jin's bday gift.. while Massu's..i've posted few days back.. Please enjoy reading, any mistaes, please forgive me.. *bows*


"Jin-nii, where were you from..?" a small, frail-looking boy with old, worn out shirt and pants as his clothing asked the other boy who's carrying him on his back. The younger boy wrapped his little arms around the other's bolder shoulders and his voice were muffled as he speaks since he uried his face into the crook of the older boy's neck.

The older one, called Jin, just chuckled leaned his head the side and knocked the smaller one's head tenderly. "Kazuya.. its ticklish, dont do that again.."

"..O-Okay.." he turned his head, and placed his chin on Jin's shoulder instead. "..Mou, Jin-nii, you havent answer my question.. where were you from?.." Kazuya repeated his question, eager to know at least something more about this mysterious boy who just appeared in his life, saved him from the darkness, and remains by his side.

"......." Jin remain silent, which causes some discomfort inside Kazuya.

2 years he living with Jin, the only thing he knew about Jin, is that, Jin too is an orphan. His parents died in a carcrash years ago, long before the war starts..And that is it. Nothing else. No more. Jin refused to tell any more details. His excuse? 'All those details are no longer important for me to remember and for you to know.. Its enough living like this, with you by my side..'

Most of the time, Kazuya will buy that excuse. But not that day.

"..You dont want to tell me, then, fine. Now let me down!" Kazuya started to wriggle, to set himself free from the piggy-back ride. His actions somehow made Jin lost control and sent them both stumbling down on the hard pavement.

"Ittai~" Jin hissed, as he rubbed his rear end. But seconds later, he heard soft sniffles from behind. He quickly turned around, to find Kazuya, crying and his petite hands pressing over something.. red.

He's covering his scrapped knee.

Jin's eyes widen in shock, and he wasted no time to rush over to the small boy.

"Kazuya! Kazu- Are you okay??"

"Jin-nii.. i-ttai.." Kazuya's cry eventually became louder, and all Jin could do was chuckles at that sight.

"Hushh.. dont cry.. You're a boy, any boy should resist pain.."

"But it hurts, Jin-nii.."

"Baka.. of course it'd hurts.. Now, my little Kazu-chan is already 10 years old, he should be strong ne?" Jin looked at the tear-filled eyes lovingly and patted the boy's head.

"H-Hai.." "Good boy, now come, let me carry you to the nearest clinic.." Jin then scooped the small boy, bridal-style and carried him to the clinic around the corner.

"..I'll be registering you, while you wait outside, okay Kazu?" Jin placed Kazuya on the ground, and pointed towards the clinic.

"Un." the smaller one nodded.But somehow, there is this weird feeling inside him as he watched the familiar figure made his way towards the clinic entrance.

"J-Jin-nii!" he called out of the blue. "Promise me, you'll always find me when im lost..". Jin froze in his step, but he turned around and a smile spread through his face. "Ba~ka. Of course i'd find you... Always."

Hearing that, Kazuya smiled broadly, relief. And this time he sent the retreating form of the older boy with a smile..

It took Jin a good 5 minutes to beg the doctor to treat an orphan and he made his way out, to find the small Kazuya. But outside, he saw.. no Kazuya.

"Kazu..?" he searched the front side and the back side of the street. "Kazuya!!" he yelled for the boy's name. Passer-bys started to look at him but he couldnt care less.

"KAZUYA!!!" he started running down the path they took just now. He was about to cross the street, and he didnt bother to see whether there is any car passing by.

A loud honk was heard from a distance, and its getting closer. His own body almost made contact with a car's bumper. Tyres screeching, but Jin only heard faint sounds..

"Kazuya.." he murmured, right before he collapsed.

* * *

"KAZUYA!!" he yelled out as he sat upright on his large king-size bed. Face all sweaty. Akanishi Jin rubbed his face, then his hands ran through his hair.

"Dream.. again.." he muttered to himself. That's right. The same dream he experienced since the past 12 years. Every night, he would dreamt the same dream, shouts the same name.


12 years ago, he almost got hit by a car, but before the contact, he collapsed. And he woke up the next morning in a large room, an alien environment for him. Then, came in a man. After some talks, Jin knew that the man was the car's owner- his saviour.

Tegoshi Kyosuke. The man's name.

Jin wanted to get out of bed and resumed his search for the lost Kazuya, but his body was too weak that he barely even able to move. "Stay here. I'll help you to find your friend..". said the man.

Jin has no further choice but to oblige.

From days to weeks, weeks to months, months to.. years.. They spent over 3 years searching for the kid, but to no avail. On the meantime, Jin stays in that huge Tegoshi household. Tegoshi Kyosuke begged him to stay and Jin didnt have the heart to disappoint that kind man.

Soon after that, Jin learnt that, Tegoshi- Papa, since the man asked him to make himself home and just call him anything. And Jin chosed to call the man, Papa. Papa's a widower with a small child. His wife died few days after she gave birth to their only child. Tegoshi Yuya.

So, slowly, Jin grew accustomed to the family. Papa even hired some private investigators to investigate Jin's background, because the boy barely even remember his family name.

"Akanishi Jin." Papa told him his real family name, and Jin was too happy, because at least he have some memory of his late parents. So, the now 16 years old Jin grew up in that mansion, with Kyosuke as his Papa, and Yuya as his little brother.

Yuya. The first time he heard the boy's name, he remembered Kazuya. After years of searching, he was convinced that the boy is no longer living on earth. So instead, he decided to take care of Yuya, as if like he's re-paying his sin for not being able to protect Kazuya. So, he pampered Yuya, he shower the boy, who's 4 years younger than him, with love. And they made a great brotherly relationship.

* * *

"Keiko-baa chan, can i have that peanut butter?" Yuya requested with a smile on his face. He's having breakfast, alone in the dining hall, when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ohayo, nii-chan!" he greeted as his turned around, to find his brother, clad in his working suite, not forgetting his glasses. Yuya smiled broadly. His brother is so handsome, no wonder girls, even boys are willing to do anything to get near him.

"Ohayo, Yuya." Jin greeted back, and reached over and planted a tender kiss on the young man's head. "Keiko-baa chan, pass me the bread please.." he requested as he sat on the chair opposite to Yuya.

"Yuya, do you have any plan tonight?" he asked as he spread the butter across the bread. Eyes fixed on his brother's face.

"Erm..." Yuya made a thinking face, "Well, no.. why? Are you finally letting me to join you clubbing??" the younger man's asked, his hope high, eyes sparkling.

"...No." answered the older man. His tone is cold and hard. "Mou~ Nii-chan, im already 22-"

"21, mind you. Your birthday is still at world's end.."

"Fine, 21! But im already 20 over~ Please please let me..." Yuya put on the infamous pout that he knew no one, i repeat, no one could resist.


"Pleeease..." Yuya clasped his palm together, begging his brother for a chance. Seconds later, he heard his brother sighed and he knew that victory is on his side.

"Okay.." "YATTA!!"

"But.. with one condition.. you are to stay by my side all the time. Keyword, ALL THE TIME.. get me?"

"Yes, boss!"
* * *

"Ba~ka. Of course i'd find you... Always."

Kazuya was smiling happily, when suddenly, he felt someone grabbing him by his shoulder from behind. He had his mouth covered with a palm and dragged towards a dark corner.

He was kidnapped.

"KAZUYA!!" he heard Jin calling his name over and over again. God knows how much he wanted to respond to Jin's call. To yelled back his answer, but he couldnt.

Tears rolled down his cheeks the moment he was shoved inside a van, as he realized, this might be the last time he'd hear the boy's voice.


"Hey, kid! Wwhy are you crying?! You should be glad because i chosed you to become one of my servants!IDIOT!" the man who kidnapped him smacked him hard on the head.

He could only cry that time, but faraway, he saw, a small boy, probably his age, or maybe older, looking at him..

"What's your name?" the boys who only watched just now, approached him and asked him a question. Kazuya refused to tell him, and he brought his knees to his chest as the boy squatted down in front of him.

"Hey, i wont hurt you like my father did.. " he said as he leisurely leaned against the wall, beside Kazuya. "I really hate him, you know? My father. I hate the fact that he did this to small kids like you.. He forced them to become beggars.." the boy continued his babble, as Kazuya kept on staring at him, wordlessly.

"You are so beautiful.. do you know that?"

"The name is Yamashita Tomohisa, by the way..and i bet you dont really have a name.. how about i call you... Kame? Since you're so slow..."

And that's Kazuya's second friend, after Jin.

* * *

"Kame! Over here!" Kazuya turned his head, to find his besfriend, Yamashita, or he fondly calls Pi, waving his hands towards the younger one.

That's right. They grew up together. Now its 12 years later, Kazuya is already 22 and Pi, is 23. Seems like their friendship remains after all those years. Kazuya was kidnap by Yamashita Heiji, Pi's father, at the age of 10. Despite Heiji being a violent man, but he never acted harsh towards his own son. It is always the other way around.

Pi always stated that he hated his father, but the truth is, he loved him. Kazuya knows that fact. Ever since he was forced to become a beggar and there's this one time, he returned with no money, and Heiji hit him badly, while Pi's not around.

Pi was mad when he knows, he attacked his father until the man have to hug him tightly in order to stop him. So, from that day, Heiji stop hitting Kazuya, but he would, once in a while, if Kazuya made a mistake, and when Pi's not around.

"You called me, Pi?" Kazuya smiled at his bestfriend.

"W-We need to talk..now.." "Wh-at?" but Kazuya couldnt say anything more as Pi dragged him away from the old building, his father's headquarters and towards the dark alley.

"What is it, Pi? Is it that important?" Kazuya asked, in between his pants, eyes fixed on the other's face.

Yamapi said nothing as he had his back against the cold wall, and pulled out a box of cigar and lighted up one. "You see... Kame.. Are you happy?"

Kazuya raised an eyebrow, "Happy? What are you talking about??" "Just answer the question."

"Well, of course, im happy.. i have you as my bestfriend.. Why shouldnt i?"

"...If i tell you, i could help you to escape and you could find that 'Jin'.. are you still happy to be here?" Yamapi asked eventhough deep inside his heart cringes. Cringe at the thought of loosing his only bestfriend and also, the boy he's secretly in love with, since the first time he saw him.

Although Kazuya was smiling, but deep inside, Pi knows that the boy is missing someone. Missing a name. The name he called out almost everynight since the kidnapping.

"Jin..?" Kazuya froze at the name. "Y-You found him? How? Where is he, Pi? Is he okay??" Kazuya started bombarding him with questions.

"Well, the truth is, i dont know. But i know where you could find him.."

* * *

"Listen, Kame.. Old man would be sleeping by now, so all you need to do is, climb over that fence and go straight to the train station. The big house just in front of the station is where Jin lived.." Yamapi told Kazuya about the details of his plan, his voice barely audible, but loud enough for the younger one to hear him, thus nodded as a sign he understood.

"Good. Now, lets get going.." and both men walked tiptoeing towards the fence, far from the headquarters. Once they reached the fence, they both looked at each other. The moonlight shone upon them. And the moonlit face of Kazuya, the view is just breath-taking. Despite how dirty he looks, but still, his natural beauty could never be outshine..

Yamapi drank the view of the beautiful face in front him, eagerly. He raised a hand, and placed it on Kazuya's cheek.

"You are so beautiful.. Do you know that??" he said, the same sentence he said 12 years ago. Kazuya's eyes welled up with tears, because he knew this is where they'd bid their goodbyes.

Kazuya placed his own palm on top of Yamapi's and smiled, at the same time, his eyes betrayed him and tears flows like river down his face.

"Thank you, Pi.. You are the bestest friend i'd ever had.." "...Glad to hear that.."

So, after a tight embrace, they let go, Pi kissed Kazuya's forehead and smiled. "Goodbye, Kame-chan.."

"Goodbye.. Tomo-chan.." he bid. Once he settled on the ground of the other side of the fence, he started to run, leaving Yamapi behind. But before he lost the sight of his bestfriend, Kazuya turned around, and shouted,

"Yamapi!" the said Yamapi was about to leave when he heard someone called his name, " My real name is Kazuya! Remember that, Tomohisa!"

Yamapi looked down to the ground and smiled, "Ok.. Kazuya! I'll miss you!!"

A faint reply of "I'll miss you too!!" was heard before Kazuya's gone. Maybe, forever from Yamashita Tomohisa's life.

* * *

Its crowded in LoveBox bar, since its weekend, and from afar, 3 figures were seen making their way through the crowd. The one in front is dressed in a casual, jeans and a red top, together with a black leather jacket. The one at the back is wearing a jeans, too, wearing a dark green buttoned down shirt. While the one in the middle, is clad in a tight black leather pants and a pale pink top, as tight as his bottom.

The middle one seems excited.

"Yuya, stop jumping, okay?" Jin said, as he glanced behind him. He then planced further back to his besfriend, Ryo.

"How could you say something like that, Nii-chan?? This is the first time you let me join you! Of course im excited!" blurted out Yuya, his tone never hide his excitement.

"Fine, fine.. " said Jin, before seconds later, his phone rang and he moved to a quieter corner in order to answer the call. He looked at Ryo straight in the eyes, and Ryo nodded as he get the hint.

'Keep an eye for my little brother 'kay' was what Jin's gaze meant. And Ryo had known Jin over a decade that he knows what does it means in a blink of an eye.

"Ryo-kun.." "Un..?"

"You look cool today." Yuya complimented, as his eyes glistening, sparkling, gazing up at the older man by his side. Ryo was shocked by the sudden praise, if only the club's lighting wasn't as dim as that moment, anyone could have seen Ryo blushed a faint shade of red.

"Thank you..?" he replied, hesitantly. Yuya then flashed him a smile, so bright, and Ryo's heart started thumping hard against his ribcage.

Ryo first met Jin when both of them were 14, and now both of them were 25. When Ryo first stepped inside the Tegoshi mansion, the first sight was a small boy aged maybe around 10 running across the living room and into Jin's arms.



"RYO-KUN!" Ryo practically has to shut his ears from the sudden outburst. "What?!" he retorted annoyed.

"You were spacing out while im talking~! I was asking you, why Nii-chan forbid me from clubbing??" Tegoshi's tone was whiny at the beginning, but he ends the sentence with his normal childish voice, his head tilted to the side cutely in package.

"...Cause you're too cute for you own good.." Ryo murmured.


Ryo suddenly realized what he had just said and shook his head frantically, "Ah, nothing. Because he love you so much.."

* * *

Kazuya was wandering aimlessly across the street. His stomach growling, as he remembered he havent eaten since morning and now, he's in the middle of nowhere and his sight becomes blurer and blurer by the minute. He wanted to stand straight and search for the big house in front of the station.. but his senses are slowly betraying him. So he decided to rest a while maybe at some dark side of some random nightclub.

He was walking as his hands over the walls for support, when he heard,

"Mou, nii-chan always does that! Work! Work! Work! And he even asked you to escort me back home just because he have work to do!"

"Dont get mad at your brother, he's just worried of you.." the other tried to calm the younger one as they both headed to Kazuya' direction.

"Care about me? Why did he- Oooft!" the younger one bumped against Kazuya. "Hey! Watch where you're go--ing, Ryo-kun!" the younger one retorted at first but when he saw Kazuya's eyes started to close and he's falling backward, he yelled for the older one's help.

Ryo managed to grabbed the falling man right before his head hit the ground. "Phew.." both conscious men breathed out.

"What should we do with this man, Yuya?" Ryo asked as he carried the unconsciuous man bridal-style and looked at the smaller man.

"..Herm.. take him home.."


"You heard me, take him home. My house."

* * *

He heard murmurs nearby but his eyes were too heavy to be open. So he decided to just pretend to sleep and listen to the voices.

"...What a beautiful man.." a girl's voice was heard. "Yea, and i thought only Akanishi-sama and Tegoshi-sama is the onyl beautiful men i've ever met.."

'Akanishi-sama? Tegoshi-sama? Who the hell are those names??'

But the voices stopped abruptly as the door creaked open and he heard some footsteps inside the room.

"Tegoshi-sama, Nishikido-sama.." he heard the girls, which he assumed as maids, greeted two men.

"You both may go," a low, hoarse voice spoken. The girls bid their goodbyes and walked out of the room. Once again Kazuya heard the door was shut close.

"Yuya, you are so dead if your brother finds out that you brought some stranger back home.." the hoarse voice started. Kazuya tried to open his eyes one more time, and this time he succeeded, he saw two men. One was standing near the bed, and another leaning against the wall.

"Good thing he's busy at his office right now,if not, im the one whom he would bombard with questions.." the hoarse voice, which Kazuya realized, belongs to the man with shiny-short black hair, the one leaning against the wall.

"But he looked so frail and fragile, Ryo-kun.." the other man spoken. Judging by his appearance, and his high-pitched voice, Kazuya assumed that the man is younger, a lot younger than the one called 'Ryo-kun'. The only thing he had in mind that moment was... Which one is Tegoshi and which is Nishikido?

At that moment, Kazuya thought that its the right time for him to stop his pretence, since the younger one was looking at him.. Slowly, he lifted his eyelid.

One blink.

Two blinks

Three times blinking and he finally got used to the lighting.

"Ryo-kun! He's awake!!" the younger, who was called Yuya, cried out. "Ne, are you okay? Do you know who you are? Do you-"

"Yuya. The man has just woken up, dont ask so much questions.." Ryo said as he walked approaching the bedpost. He then threw his gaze towards the man on the bed.

"My apology, for this young man's over excitement.. But may i know your name, stranger?" the man called Ryo seems very educated, for Kazuya, and he looked at Kazuya straight in the eyes, no hesitation, just curiousity. Pure curiousity.

"Kame.. My name is Kame.." answered Kazuya as he tried to sit upright but he couldnt as his arms arent strong enough to even hold himself. So he ended up slumping back on the bed.

"Kame-kun, you are still not well, you better rest here, until you feel better.. okay?" the young man with big round eyes looked down at him in concern.

"Y-You both wont mind..?" he asked, his voice barely could be heard. "Yes, we would mind." said the Ryo guy, but the man called Yuya poked his stomach and Ryo winced in pain.

"Of course we wouldnt..Oh yea, Kame-kun, my name is Tegoshi Yuya.. and this is a close friend, Ryo-kun.." Yuya introduced both himself and the other man.

"Nishikido, for you." Ryo added.

Kazuya just bowed his head lightly as a sign of respect, and the other 2 followed. Then, Ryo's cellphone rang,

"Moshi-moshi? Ah, Akanishi, yes your brother is here with me. Safe and sound. Dont worry, dude. He's safe with me.." he flipped his phone close and when he twirled around, two pairs of eyes were looking at him. One questioningly, another just plain innocent.

"Your brother.." Ryo murmured softly, before he made his way towards the door. "Yuya, let's go. Your brother will be back in 1 hour time.."

"I dont want."

"Eh?" Ryo turned to Yuya and his brows furrowed. "I want to stay here with Kame-kun.." This time, its Kazuya's brows furrowed.

"I want to talk with Kame-kun..". Ryo glares at the sick man on the bed. "Mou, stop it, Ryo-kun! Im at my own house, and Kame-kun is too weak to even support himself, how in hell he could harm me?? I've had enough of my brother over-protecting me, please, this time only, leave me alone?"

Ryo remained silent for almost a few minutes before he crack a small smile. "O-Okay then.." and he grabbed the door knob and walked out.

* * *

"Take care of your health, Papa. Ja ne.." Jin ended his phone call with his Papa, who's currently at New York, for business. He parked his red Camaro inside the mansion's compound.

Once he entered the mansion, maids rushed to his aid and took his evening coat, along with his briefcase. Its a tiring day and all he could think that very moment was to soaked in the bath tub and took his own sweet time.

"Where's Yuya?" he asked as he removed his coat. "Tegoshi-sama is at the guest room, with his guest.. Akanishi-sama." a maid answered.

Jin raised an eyebrow, "Guest? You mean Ryo?" he further question, beginning to unbotton the shirt's wrist button..

"No, this guest is not Nishikido-sama. Its a stranger, we've never meet before, Akanishi-sama."

Jin stopped whatever he was doing and his eyes bulged, "Someone else? Yuya brought a stranger home??" Before the main could even answer him, Jin dashed upstairs, ehading towards the guest room. On his way there, he spotted Ryo walking the opposite path.

Ryo saw Jin and smiled, but when the others did not reply his smile, Ryo knew something is not right. Oh-oh..

"Jin, i could explain.." he began but he was cut too soon., "Explain what? Explain why in hell did my brother brought some stranger home?? Its dangerous, Ryo! No one knows what that stranger could do to my baby brother!"

Ryo's expression turns sour. He then grabbed Jin by his wrist and dragged the man into another empty room.

"Jin, listen to me. Yuya is no longer your baby brother.."

"What are you trying to imply here, Ryo? Of course he's my baby brother! He's only-" "He's freaking 21 years old! He's an adult now, Jin! Accept the fact! He even told me himself that he's tired of you overprotecting him!"

"Yuya said that? No, it cant be true! If i didnt protect him, i'll lose him!" Jin began to raise him voice, matching Ryo's

"Jin! He's not Kazuya!" shouted Ryo, shaking Jin's shoulders as he did so.

Jin was startled by Ryo's sudden outburst. His eyes widen and he looked at Ryo witht eh shocked expression on his face. Ryo looked down to the tiles and sighed. 11 years of friendship with Jin, bit by bit he knows about the lad's past. About the person Jin always dreamt about.

"He's not Kazuya, Jin. He is Yuya. Stop treating him like he's going to disappear any time like Kazuya did.. " Ryo's voice finally lowered down and its finally calm.

"Do you get me? Jin, you're a wonderful brother, i admit. But Yuya has already grown up. Let him decide his own decision, okay?"

Jin slowly nodded his head and smiled, "Gee, thanks Ryo.."

"No sweat.." smirked Ryo as he let go of Jin's shoulders. "And, remember, im always here, by your side, you always count on me, my friend.." and he smacked Jin's upper left arm playfully.

"..Then.. can i ask you to do something, Ryo?"

"So fast?! Hahah, sure, what is it?"

"Take care of my brother.."

* * *

Just few hours they spent together, Kazuya grew fond of the young man named Tegoshi Yuya. Yuya is a bright, cheerful and sweet. A little bratty but overall he's just fine.

"Ne, Kame-kun, i really would like you to meet my brother. He's a very handsome man, and he loes me so much! But then, too much that he's somehow over-protecting me.."

"..Your brother? Aka-nishi-sama?"

Yuya's eyes grew wider than usual, "Yeah! My brother is Akanishi! How do you know his name??"

"Oh, i heard the maids chattering.."

"Sou ka..."

"Ano, Yuya-kun, i have to go to the toilet first.." "Ah, okok.."

Yuya was about to go to the balcony when suddenly someone knocked the door. "Come in.."

A head poked insidethe room and Yuya's face lost all its colour.

"Ni-Nii-chan.. W-What are you doing here?" he stammered. Jin, without replying his brother's enquiry, walked inside the room, followed by Ryo from behind.

Yuya looked at Ryo with his eyes wider than before, sending some signal, 'Why did you bring Nii-chan here??!!!'

"Ryo told me everything akredy, Yuya. So, no need to hide anything from me.." Jin said calmly as he sat of the bed, beside Yuya.

"You knew? Ah-Ahahaha~ Maa.. so now.. what..?"



"I need to see that stranger-" "His name is Kame-kun!"

"Alright, Kame-kun, before i could 100% believe that he's harmless.." Jin stated as he looked at his brother lovingly in the eyes.

Yuya practically squealed in delight, "Yatta! Ah, Kame-kun is now inside the toilet.. he'll be out in a few minutes.."

"Then we'll just wait.." Jin said briefly as he sat cross legged on the bed. From time to time, he glanced at his brother, amazed on how a stranger found some soft spot in his brother, in just one day time. He really would like to meet this Kame-kun.

"Ah, sorry i took my time, Yuya-kun. Eh? Nishikido-kun is also here? And.." Kame froze, the figure who's back-facing him, somehow looks familiar..

"A-kanishi..-san?" he called out hesitantly.

Upon hearing his surname called, Jin turned around and to find a skinny young man, with a very, very familiar frail and fragile looking.

For a few seconds, both Jin and Kazuya forgot how to breath.. They both just stared at each other, not blinking at all. Their actions made the other two inside the room to stare at them questionaingly.

"Ka-Kazu-ya..?" Jin stuttered. Ryo's eyes widen this time and his face were written shock all over.


"You both, knew each o-ther..?" asked Yuya as he gazed at Kazuya. The latter just smiled at Yuya, with his eyes all teared up, and he nodded.

"Kazuya!!" cried Jin as he reached for the other and pulled him into an embrace.


"Kazu.. where have you been?! Im so dead worried because you just disappear like that!" Jin released Kazuya from his embrace and cupped his face so tenderly. Tears flowed down his face shamelessly.

Yuya was beyond surprised of the scene. He stood up and was about to approach the two when Ryo suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the door.

"Ryo-kun! What are you doing? I want to know what happened!"

"You want to know? Let me tell you. As for now, let the two of them have their own private time.."

* * *

"Kazu..Kazu.. God i miss you! Where have you been all these years?" Jin further asked, as he kissed Kazuya all over his face. The only way he could express how much he missed Kazuya.

Kazuya on the other hand, closed his eyes as he felt Jin's lips made contact all over his face. Absorbing the once familiar scent. Jin's scent.

"It-Its a long story, Jin-nii.." said Kazuya, in between his hiccups. "Then, i'd listen to you, take as much time as you want.. i'll listen.."

Kazuya smiled vibrantly after all those years.

Jin was amazed of how the little Kazuya has grown into a really beautiful looking man.. But his face didnt change much.. Just his body feature.

"You are very beautiful, Kazu.." he praised. Kazuya's face flushed scarlet red, and Jin finds it too adorable that Jin placed his forehead against Kazuya's and their noses touching.

Their gaze met and their heart skipped a beat simultaneously. Jin has this weird feelin swarm inside him. The feeling he never felt before. Not once.

Kazuya's lost inside the burning gaze of Jin and he too, felt himself burning inside.

Slowly, they both leaned closer and closer and it took less than a second for their lips to met. Jin wrapped his arms around Kazuya's waist while Kazuya wrapped his around Jin's neck. Both eager to deepened the kiss.

Once they broke off. They stare at each other, seeking for an answer. And they finally found it.

The answer of all the weird feelings.. Of why they never succeed to forgot the other party..

Its.. LOVE.

* * *

"Sou ka.. now i understood.." Yuya cocked his head to the side cutely. Both him and Ryo were sitting on the couch in the empty living room.

"So romantic.. Nii-chan actually love someone for so long! 12 years! Cool~!" Yuya chirped happily, before he sighed heavily the next moment.

"What's wrong?" Ryo pondered as he threw hisgaze towards the smaller man.

"..Nothing.. just.. Kame-kun.. ah, no, Kazuya-kun is soo lucky to have such loyal lover ne.. I wonder if i could find one.."

"I could be one." Ryo clamped a palm over his own mouth. The words just flowd out smoothly from his mouth, and he really hope Yuya didnt catch that.

But, he could only hope...

"You could be one? Really?"

"Yeah..if you want to.."

"Of course i wanted to! YAY! I found myself a lover!" Yuya jumped off the couch and started cheering for his new-found lover.

"Yuya, stop it.. You are making noises." Ryo said, but the truth is, he's embarassed that he's blushing red in the face. And he's sure hat if Yuya continue jumping and yelling..his face would explode.

"Awww~ Ryo-tan you are so cute!" exclaimed Yuya as he plooped back down on the couch and he reached over and kissed Ryo on the cheek.

..Ryo fainted right after that..

* * *

A week later..

Two pairs of lovebirds were resting by the poolside, and then Ryo and Tegoshi decided to go inside for some cuisine. Leaving only Jin and Kazuya outside.

"Ne, Kazu.."


"I really would like to meet this 'Yamapi'..and thanked him for helping you break free.."

"You should! He's the best of friend i'd ever have.." Kazuya's eyes were shining as he spoke of Yamapi. But soon, the light fade away.

"I missed him, Jin-nii.."

"Its Jin. We're lover now, not brothers.." "OK, fine, JIN.."

"Thats better.. Kazuya.."

Both of them exchanged glances and giggles soon afterwards. Both were hapy of their current positions. This time around.. no one's going to get lost again. Not any more.

Jin promised to himself. He'd do anything to keep Kazuya safe. And Yuya.. now he have Ryo as his own protector..

What to worry?

Kazuya.. he's lost

but he's found.


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